What Kind Of Cichlid Or Oscar To Get?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 12, 2009
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Loveland, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
i really wanna buy an oscar or cichlid, but i dont know what kind

i want a fairly agressive one, but also not very expensive. I was thinking of buying a wild oscar from trinidad off of aquascapeonline.com

any advise? what kind i should look at?

None of the fish mentioned are that aggressive tbh,

try something like a Flowerhorn, Red Devil Red Terror or Jaguar although you would need very good filtration

or maybe a wolf fish or a big group of channa Sp.
Male red terrors/jags will be too big for a 75 I think, same for the common wolffish (rainbow will be fine).

Hujeta arn't aggressive at all, just predatory.

I take it that you want an aggressive fish, if by this you mean glass bangs and will be up at the front glass I'd go for a central american cichlid. Davo's suggestion of trimac or red devil will do this, other suggestions could be midas cichlid, texas cichlid, smaller parachromis, but the fish I would go for if I could get it would be a black nasty (Nandopsis haitiensis) - males again may get too big for a 75, depends on your individual fish (I've also read that females are more aggressive than males in this species, so if you can I'd chose a female if possible). A similar fish would be the cuban cichlid, this grows smaller but looks similar

For the 35 you could look into congo puffers, one of the most aggressive fish I've seen, rarely if at all tollerates any tankmates. Though the rainbow wolffish will also fit into this tank - I'd personally go for the rainbow wolf.

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