what cats will go good


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
I was into the lfs today and I couldn't help but to be inthrawled with two different cats. one was the stripped rapheal cat and the other was a pictus cat would either one of these go good in my 75 gal. that has my Lake Malawi cichlids?
The striped raphael cats would be fine,they are more armour plated than plecs so any mbuna is going to have trouble taking one of those on and are not fussy of water specs,the only trouble is they are strictly nocturnal and once you get them into your tank you will never see them again.

I know of people who have pictus cats with mbuna but personally i dont think this is a good idea,pictus cats are soft bodied and their prominant eyes and long whiskers are easy targets for aggressive cichlids,they also preffer completely different water specs to AC's.
CFC is right,i'm trying to find a home for my 6" spotted raphael,they'r really nice while young but their colors fade a little as they grow,if ya ask me they'r just not worth the added bio laod(all they do is hide and eat)some ppl don't mind that though :)

btw-the pictus would eventually be killed although i've had some success keeping them together yrs ago i wouldn't recommend anyone try it,after keeping a few more in a proper enviroment(soft water ph 7.2)i can tell the difference in behavior and overall appearance. just my exp/2 cents.
mostanks said:
i'm trying to find a home for my 6" spotted raphael, they'r just not worth the added bio laod
Youll regret letting them go,doras are superb snail eaters and are probably living on a diet of mainly snails,i know mine do because theyre as fat as golf balls and i havent added any night time foods for them for years.
i said TRYING to find a new home for it :p i didn't say i was TRYING VERY HARD :lol: :lol: but seriously,i much rather have angelicus or some clown loaches they're just alot more fun.
okay so what would be the best cat for my tank that I would see alot and what foods would I have to get to keep it going? I really wnat one but I am not sure what to get and as stated before I live in an area that isn't really that well known for its lfs's. but I am SOOOOO pumped that we are getting a new one here in three weeks. :D
Synos and plecos. Imagine you'd see more of the synos... ;)
Yeah get a synodontis decorus if possible,they are beautiful.They get to about 12" and like most cats they will eat fry and tiny fish but will leave adult fish alone,theyre semi armour plated and able to defend themselves if needed too.
I don't know cfc I just didn't feel the love when I went onto planet catfish for the synos.... is there anything else that is cheap and has the spiny look of the rapheal cat? by the way I already have 2 pelcos in the tank and I really don't have to worry about the others picking on the cat I have 6 labidos and 3 aul. maisoni in the tank.... the only possible fin nippers come from the 7 tiger barbs that are there until bert moves into the 55 gal tank across the room
I've got a pair of pictus happily living with killer malawi. They did get picked on when i first got them (as all new fish do) but now its the other way round and they chase off the malawi!

And two new cats (CFC knows which ones) Mystery Vittali or something (to lazy to look up old thread :( )
BTW i had a pair of stripped rapheal cat. Waste of money :(

Have u seen a fully grown one? I was one about 10" long and about 3 and a half inch fat :eek: It was a beast!
DG is has given me a idea,the mystus cats would be fine for your tank as they are more than capable of looking after themselves,might lose a few fry though :lol:
I guess I am not to worried about losing fry..... my other half wants to turn the tank that I am saving for the day that I do get fry into a turtle tank

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