VOTE NOW for July 2019 Tank of the Month

Vote Now for your choice for the July 2019 Tank of the Month

  • PheonixkingZ

    Votes: 6 14.3%
  • Peepss

    Votes: 22 52.4%
  • Gardeny

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Russjw

    Votes: 12 28.6%
  • Ch0le

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA

We have 5 worthy entrants for July's Tank of the Month Contest. View all the tanks and descriptions below and then go to top of page and click on your choice for TOTM

It’s best to view these awesome tanks on a computer screen or a tablet instead of a small phone screen.

Please DO NOT post any comments about specific tanks in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted. This thread will be cleaned up occasionally for best readability.
We at thank you for your participation.
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Hello everyone!!!

Here is my tank...

Name of tank: Heaven Gardens.

Size: 2.5 gal.

Inhabitants: 1 Super Delta Tale Male Betta Fish, and 1 Zebra Nerite snail.

Plants: algae, Byron moss, “Lacy” Java Fern, Anacharis.

How long has the tank been set up?: over 5 months.

Water parameters:......

ph: 7.4

Ammonia: 0ppm

Nitrite: 0ppm

Nitrate: 0ppm

Filter: API 2.5 gal. Standard.

Lighting: 60 Watt desk clip light.

Heater: Tetra 2-10 gal. Heater.

Lid: transparent plastic rap.

Decor: “wild” driftwood, white/gray rocks, pea size-penny size black/brown gravel, and a lava rock.

This tank has no root tabs, no fertilizer, and no special substrate. I started this tank mainly as a low-budget “starter” tank. I used to have a lot more 10-20 gal. Tanks, but I recently moved 4 states away, and had to give up all of them. I plan to have a lot more tanks in the near future!

I really like this tank because of the pathway I incorporated in the scape of this tank.

Thank you for your time! :thanks: :)
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Hey guys!
Here’s a look at my new tank. I took a couple smaller tanks & combined them in May & this tank has been up and running for a little over a Month. I put a lot of love into this tank & I am SO happy with how all of the fish are getting along and having such a great time in their new digs. This is the most rewarding part of the hobby.

size: 60 gal
fish stocking: 4 Neon Tetra, 2 Siamese Algae Eater, 2 Scissortail Rasbora, 2 Blue Moscow Guppy, 2 Variegated Cobra Guppy, 1 Opaline Gourami, 1 Bristlenose Pleco,2 Julii Cory, 3 Angelfish- Zebra, Gold, & Silver... aaaand a few ghost shrimp:)
water parameters: amm.0; nitrite.0;nitrate;10ppm
Planted with CaribSea Planted Aquarium substrate & sand
Plants: crypt, javafern, amazon sword, anubias, cryptwendtii, cryptocorynes balansae, pygmy chainsword, wisteria, hornwort
lighting: Fluval AquaSky 35W
filter: Marineland Magniflow 360 Canister (also an established filter to boost the new cycle)
Bubbler in rock decor

Thanks for checking out my tank! :)
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Hello everyone again! I figured I'd enter my tank another time, this time it's much less busy (and at that much easier to do maintenance on!) Hope you like it!


So anyway, this is my "kind of blackwater" betta tank! I'm hoping to get some more "cool and mainstream" botanicals sometime soon, but right now I'm just here with my oak leaves, rooibos tea and walnut pods. (Or, at least I think they're walnuts...)

Tank size: 10 gallons
Age of setup: About 6 and a half months.
Heater/filter: This tank has a Topfin Silenstream Power filter 10, and my room is warm enough that I don't use the heater. The water temperature on its own is 80 degrees. (But for informational purposes, the heater is 50 watts.)

Fish stocking: My female veiltail betta lives in here, that's about it. (Yes, the nerite snail escaped... I can't find it anywhere!)
Fish's name: (Because why not?) Jeanette Michelle Lucien Corentin Anne Fleur Oceane Lauren Pierre Marie III
Plant stocking: One marimo moss ball. It's a bit of the downgrade from the big weeping moss jungle and myriophyllum from last time I entered, but it sure is easier to clean!
Decor: Driftwood, nuts and rocks I found at the beach, some oak leaves here and there, and an artificial cichlid rock from my local petsmart.

Food: I feed Aqueon betta pellets and bloodworms twice a day, morning and night.
Maintenance: I change out 25%-ish of the water weekly, vacuum the gravel and scrub off any algae on the tank walls. And if the water is looking particularly "not cool and dark", I brew a cup of rooibos tea, let it cool and add it to the tank. It's pretty cool!

Hi everyone,

This is my fluval Roma 200! New to the hobby this year and really caught the fish keeping bug. Brought my little lad a 100 litre tank in march and enjoyed setting it up that much i just had to get me one lol.

*Tanks 220 litres (100x40x55 cms)
*Been running for 2 months.
*300w heater
*fluval 405 canister filter
*Substrate: i have tetra complete under the main layer of black sand and 2 small sections of white gravel.
*plants: i have frogbit floating above some corkscrew vallis with various stem plants and moss balls.
*decor: i have 2 nice pieces of driftwood with small stones and 2 small terracotta pots.
*Maintance/parameters: Ammonia 0,
Nitrite 0, nitrates 5-10ppm, ph 7.4
Weekly water changes 30% then 75% every 4 weeks.

*Current fish stocking:
11 dwarf neon rainbowfish
8 albino corys
4 zebra snails

Thanks for looking :)

Hello, everyone. This is my first Tropical tank.
Tank: 20 gallon tall
Age: 7 weeks
Stocking: 6 Bleeding Heart Tetras, 5 Emerald Corydoras, 2 Black Racer Nerite Snails.
Parameters: GH 30 ppm, KH 40 ppm
Conditions: PH 7.0, Amonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrates 5.0
Filtration: Marineland Bio-Wheel Penguin 200 up to 50 gallons, catridge, activated carbon, cotton from and old tank
Aeration: Top Fin Air 2000 120V
Heater: Aqeon 100W (tank is 79 degrees F)
Lighting: Aqueon T8 Floramax 15W
Plants: Hornwort, Anubias, Wisteria, El Nino Fern, Windelov Java Fern, Dwarf Pennywort, and a Marimo Ball.
Ferts: Flourish 1x per week.
Ornaments: 1 piece Mopani wood, 4 small pieces of Spider wood, 1 lava rock, 2 cars.
Gravel: black rocks
Feeding/supplements: Cuttlebone for snails. vipan Tropical flakes 2-3x a day. Shrimp pellets every other day, Algae wafer every other day and frozen blood worms 2x per week.
Water changes: 25% every 3 days. 50% once a month.
That's my tank! Thanks for taking a look!
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Please slowly scroll up as you review the entries and then cast your vote in the poll at the top of the topic. thanks you for your participation.
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review the entries and go to top of this topic to vote!
Last chance to vote. Winner will be announced late on sunday.

Get you pet picture ready for our Pet of the Month Contest . Entry period begins around July 15th. Any pet that you own besides fish is eligible. Please participate in our contests.
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