Very...VERY wierd!!!


New Member
Jun 24, 2004
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One of my female guppies had 5 fry about 1.5 months ago.... I introduced those fry to the tank when they were about 1 week old and they have been doing fine, but there were 3 males in the same tank.... Just these last 2 days one of the 1.5 month old fry females is acting very strange and is resting on the bottom... Her stomach is hhhuuuuggeeee.... It looks very squared off... Is it even remotely possible she is pregnant?????? Is it possible that she had intercourse??? I am pretty knowledgable about livebearers and i know this sounds way out there, but I don't have any other explanation for it... My water is testing fine.... She has not been nipped or bitten anywhere... There is no disease in the tank at all, this is the only fish that is having problems... And she is acting like my other females when they are pregnant..

Can you help?

I've noticed guppies to let out no more than a dozen one week and then for some reason just hold the offspring in. She could be giving birth and having problems meaning eternal problems (dying). But it sounds as if she's trying to somewhat rub or rest on the rocks wile she's going through pain. I think that makes sense? lol
... and for those who read the post, I dont think that can be the case. I thought young guppy only reach sexual maturity at 3 months old.
I have read on the web, that a female can reproduce at 4 weeks of fry is only 2 days old, so i don't know how true that is
i have the same thing with 4 week old fry and it DID have its own fry! it is only fry itself! its crazy what these fish can do

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