Ummmm Help Please


Jan 8, 2014
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I am unclear as to which forum to post this under so I just picked this one. It's not necessarily an emergency but it needs to be dealt with quickly.
I have a five gallon tank with a baby betta and tiger snail in it. I've noticed my betta is a little on the fat side. I'm very careful about how much I feed and I fast for a day each week. Well today I saw this little light tan color worm thing in my tank. It is no bigger than a centimeter or two and when it swims it's body moves in a zig zag motion. I went and grabbed my net to see if I could get it out and it was gone. That was this morning. I get from work and am looking in the tank again when I see one being spat out of my filter. My betta promptly swims over and eats it... I looked into my filter to see if I could find anymore and I can't so I don't know if I'm just not seeing them because they are so small (I only noticed because it was moving in a way that couldn't be caused by the little current of the tank) or if I just don't know where they are hiding.
First off if anyone one knows what this little wormy thing is, is it dangerous for my betta? Secondly how do I get rid of whatever it is? Because that explains why my betta is pudgy since I've been feeding him and he's been getting his fill of whatever this things are. He's very active and swims all over the tank so the only reason why he'd be getting fat is because he's eating too much. Also I've had him two weeks and a day and I've never seen him poo (idk if it's just because I go to work and school so I can't watch the tank constantly or if all this eating is making him constipated).
Please, if someone can tell me what this things are and how to get rid of them.
ERM, could be mosquito larva? Do you have live plants in the tank? Is it an open top tank?
A picture would help if you can get one before your fatty fish eats them :)
if he's happy and healthy then I don't think its doing hun any harm, but to rule out anything harmful etc a pic would be great.
I do have live plants but my tank is covered. No garrentee (?) on thr photot. I can try to get one but I only saw two yesterday and all I jave is my phone to take pics with. Since there things are so small idk if my camera would be able to see it.

I just googled mosquito larva and that isn't in my tank so we can rule that out.
All of these are either white or red colored and the ones in my tank were tan colored :/
Mmmm...Bloodworms and Glassworms (Midge Larvae)

Size - 1 mm to a possible 25 mm when full grown.

Coloration - Red. Rarely black, brown, green, or transparent for glassworms.

Defining Characteristics - Tend to build tunnels/trails within the sediment. They sometimes leave them to search for food.

Movement - Wriggly side-to-side (figure eight style) motion when swimming. May also crawl or hang on surfaces while feeding.

Introduction - Used as a live found. Can sometimes be introduced with other live food, especially if collected in the wild. Also may come with plants or objects collected from the wild.

Control - Usually not necessary as they are greedily eaten by fish. Care must be taken when using them as food. Those that escape tend to bury themselves in the gravel, often dying there. In excess, this can pollute the tank.

Been looking it up again!
Thanks for all your help (I meant to say that earlier). Thats sounds a bit more like what I saw but the wwird part is that I feed my betta frozen food and not live so idk how it would have gotten in my tank. If I don't find anymore then I guess I shouldn't worry about it. And also I shouldnt worry of the fish doesnt show any signs of being sick or something. And next time I do a water change I'll make it more extensive in the gravel. I was just worried bc everything I was finding was like parasite, parasite, parasite, and I was getoing really concerned.
There's so many ways it could of got there, it could of been introduced when you got your betta, it could of hitched a ride in the bag or with the snail, maybe off a plant... once I bought some plants off eBay and it unknowingly bought in a shrimp! I was thinking 'what is that? Where did it come from?' It wasn't until I left feedback that I clocked the picture of the plant growing in a RCS tank :)

The internet can scare you, if it was a parasite then your betta would be showing signs of it, thank heavens its not, NP about the help.
I'm going to fast my betta for another day or two just so he can burn off all he's been eating :p

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