He's learned to beg for food already, such a smart fish :D I'm almost tempted to see if he will spawn with the female crown tail, but they might not make pretty babies. She's pretty much black but hey, I think they'd make a stunningly contrasting pair.
I'm preping for a water change on my Bettas tanks, Thats the water I will add to the tank. There is a heater in there as well.
I see you've already added your black water extract. I've just been adding a little after a water change, but I only use it for the other betta tanks. The chunk of driftwood more than makes up for me not adding some to this tank. I plan on doing a water change tomorrow and moving the pleco and corries out while I'm at it :)
Yes This way I can control everything.

10 liters of de-chlorinated water
2 Indian almond leaves
A shot glass of peat moss ( in a fine mesh bag)
Put in heater set at 75deg F
Put in Power head and run the whole thing for 24 hours
Add to tank,
I'm guessing you add the almond leaves to the tank as well?
Yes, It gives the shrimp food and shelter.

Sorry water is a bit cloudy because of the conditioner I use it will clear up in an hour or so.
Easy-Life Filter Medium — English

My Banana Lilly is doing great have a look at all the roots on the right side. The little plate is my shrimp feeding station, saves food from getting in the gravel.
Very happy shrimp. I've been wanting to get a small starter colony but I don't want the other fish to wipe them out. I might get some for my next project, but that's after the rest of the cichlid fry are big enough to be sold or added to the main tank. I really want to do a planted black water setting in the 29, but it's going have to wait...
New pictures, I also attached some java moss to the wood, but it's hard to see.

He's made a small bubble nest under this leaf :D
Bettas love making bubble nests under floating leaves and stuff
Mr. Betta, who I have decided to name Grey is happy as ever. I floated a female in his tank for a while to get him to flare up again. If my female CT ever starts getting fat with eggs I might try spawning them.
grey1.jpg grey2.jpg grey3.jpg grey4.jpg

I'm not noticing much difference in his coloration, he's still young though so maybe he'll look different in another month or two. I almost thought I had lost one of the male peppered corries. I couldn't find him anywhere in the tank so I assumed he jumped out. Looked all over and didn't find him. Came back a few hours later to feed them and there he was, swimming around. He must of been up in the driftwood :)
Just do not go out because if you do I will come to your house and steal Grey

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