Thinking Of Changing From Tropical Community To Mbuna Or Tanganyikan

I have only kept
Neolamprologus Multifasciatus
Julidochromis Dickfeldi
Neolamprologus Caudopunctatus
Altolamprologus Compressiceps "sumbu shell"
Neolamprologus Brichardi ( I added 1 to the already busy small tank and it gave the Mulifasciatus a hard time), ok in a species tank but wouldn't keep a group in a community, check out neolamprologus helianthus
Here are some good starting points... :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :drool: I'll share the fairs :lol: :drool: :drool: :good:

These are just a few, but it's how you find things out, hope there's something on here that helps, let the fish do the swimming, not the head, enjoy :good:
I'm liking the direction that this thread is going :shifty: I'm sure there is a Tanganyikan keeper just waiting to come out only she doesn't yet know it ;)
Thanks for the links and further replies B-)

kiriyama, the neolamprologus helianthus appears to be pretty aggressive from what I`ve read about it? :unsure:
I guess you want to keep me busy reading with all those links, my eyes will be bleeding by the time I`ve got through them all :look: :lol: :lol:

I`m pulled 2 ways at the moment, the Malawi yellow labs and acei have caught my attention but also a lot of the Tanganyikan fish that have been suggested, I think I`m going to have to write out a list and pay a visit to MA in a bit to have a birds eye view of what I`d really like.
I must admit I`m a bit worried about using the rock scaping in my tank because I tend to be a bit accident prone and don`t want to risk cracking the glass. I really don`t think hubby would be too chuffed at me then :S
Paid a visit to MA this afternoon and have finally decided to go for a Malawi setup. I spent about half and hour chatting to the manager who`s is a really great bloke and hasn`t steered me wrong yet when it`s come to spot on info about my current fish. IF I can`t sell my current fish on the Forum then MA will take them and allow me some credit for my prospective new additions.
I now have to have a browse around for some rocks and slate for the Malawi setup :blink:

I`d really appreciate opinions based on peoples personal experiences please for the following list of fish that I`ve seen today and would be interested in keeping:

Blue Zebra
Albino Zebra
Dwarf Afra
Yellow Peacock
Yellow Labs (labelled as Daktari? in MA)
Fire Red Dragon
I posted in your thread in the new world section but I was going to suggest shell dwellers, they naturally come from a Ph of 8 and would be harder (i think)
Ah some loose some :rolleyes: Suppose it helps make us Tanganyikan keepers that little bit more unique :lol:
Thanks Beth, I did reply ;)

lol doresy, I`m sorry but the Malawis just had that edge for me when it came to the looks and choice available. I doubt I could do the Tanganyikan side of things justice but never say never huh? ;) :lol:

Thanks, your psychic ability does you well bullit :lol:

Oh bless :/ :lol:

Sorry Carl but I`m at that point where I have to either change or give up all together. But all is not lost because at least you still get my bubbly, fantastic personality on the forum, it`s not like I`m leaving ;) :lol:
It won't be the some with you not posting about community fish! :sad:
Well I`m stepping into truly unknown territory in this forum but here goes.....

So far the fish that appeal to me most are the Mbuna and some of the Tanganyikan because of the wide variety of colours more than anything to be honest and would like to ask those who are experienced with either to please give me some advice on which are likely to be the most compatible and interesting fish?
I have 3 bn plecos and 1 clown pleco in the tank at the moment and wondered if these plecs could stay with a change in stocking? :unsure:


I have just done the opposite. I had a Mbuna setup and packed it in for general tropicals.
I loved the Mbuna. Really active colourful fish. But the aggression p**d me off. All the experts will tell you to get the right mix of fish. And over stock. But I think that no matter what you do, there will always be the odd fish that gets hammered - either killed, or spends its entire existance with pulverised fins hiding in the rocks.

If I could go back in time, I would have possibly gone for Tangs. As others have said, very nice and interesting fish.
And also I may have considered an all male Hap tank. Really colourful and supposed to be a bit less aggressive than Mbuna.

If I could go back in time, I would have possibly gone for Tangs. As others have said, very nice and interesting fish.
And also I may have considered an all male Hap tank. Really colourful and supposed to be a bit less aggressive than Mbuna.


Totally agree about the Tang behaviour , very interesting to watch the interaction between species, I know some can be aggressive but I just find them really interesting....
Just scrapped a 3' tang project, the Mrs has gave the go ahead for a 4 footer :drool: but I'm bringing home a 5 footer :shifty: , off into the unknown we go :good:
I did the same as you, I started with tropical communtiy fish, then started an mbuna tank. I have now sold off most of teh community and am no interested only in mbuna. There's someone calling soon to pick up my last 3 gourami's then its just the denison barbs and I'm 100% malawi :good: :good: .

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