The Dreaded Bba And Getting Rid Of It

This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
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For some time I've had the dreaded BBA, and after some trial and error finally figured out what I was doing wrong to cause it. The problems have been solved. However, I still have the BBA on a number of plants and I can't get it off. I've tried scrubbing and scraping, pulling off infected leaves, etc., but there are still places that refuse to be rid of it. At least there isn't any new BBA forming.
I was just reading about using Hydrogen Peroxide to dose it, but it seems that there can be some fish deaths, which I want to avoid at all costs. I can't afford to replace any fish at this time. 
Is it possible to pull the plants and treat them in another container, then put them back? Is there a diluted solution that could work? I don't dose CO2 (another matter of funds) so that's out. 
Are there other things that would work without putting my fish in harm's way?
Peroxide would work, and I'd use another tank. It's not all that stable in a solution so will wash away quite easily, maybe do it at water change and you can treat and then use the discarded water to wash off the plants.
Do you think I could pull out the driftwood where the anubia and java fern are attached, treat them out of the water with the peroxide, then rinse in tank water and put it back? That's where the worst of it is now.
What about dosing liquid carbon and spot treating with liquid carbon. That would work and is safe as long as you dont overdose.
Funding issue, peroxide is cheap and widely available. It should work and should be fine if used correctly.
I never like the word should, but there you are.
So could I take out my driftwood with the anubia and java fern, use a Qtip dipped in peroxide and just dose it where the BBA is, then rinse in old tank water and put back in the tank? (Sorry if I'm being dense ...)
I have the same problem with a piece of driftwood covered in Java Fern.  I took it out for about a week, and dosed the BBA with Hydrogen Peroxide daily with a syringe.  On putting it back in the aquarium it started to grow again!  I have also used a syringe to spot treat it in the aquarium during a WC, when the water level is below the BBA. 
I then used an anti-algae treatment called "eSHa PROTALAN-707", which has a rather detailed treatment program.  I missed the fact that on Days 4 & 5 you DO NOT DOSE.  It initially killed it but now it is back again!  It does state that in extreme cases you may need to re-dose.  This time I have highlighted the fact not to dose on Days 4 & 5, so hopefully I will get a better more permanent result.
I guess like everything it is understanding why we are getting BBA in the first place?  I have done some research and know it is not a true algae, but have yet to pin-point the reason for it, any scientists out there?
I also read that more movement in the aquarium can help, as I have a Betta in this tank it is a double whammy as > Watercurrent+Betta=
Betta.  I did have a bubble wall going for awhile, but the pump no longer seems to be powerful enough, after I turned it off for a period when the Betta was sitting on the bottom, sulking.
The battle continues ...
No idea what BBA is but I'm fairly certain it's a type of algae. Solution? Get a bristlenose!

I'd kill to have algae in my tank!
TallTree01 said:
No idea what BBA is but I'm fairly certain it's a type of algae. Solution? Get a bristlenose!

I'd kill to have algae in my tank!
BBA = Black Brush Algae and your Bristlenose would not eat it, it is a pest algae.  Only Siamese Flying Foxes eat it.  Thanks you have been useful on this occasion ;) as ...
I have however just realised that my problem is BGA = Blue Green Algae, sorry just saw the TLA and thought we were talking about the same thing, as brain did not really compute the TLA properly early on! 
So I am dealing with BGA, sorry to waffle on in the wrong post TOS.  You never know though a solution for BBA could help BGA and vice-versa, but I am no algae expert.
Hi TOS, there is now an Algae section, why not see if a moderator will move this for you, so you are with the other sufferers? ;)
RCA said:
No idea what BBA is but I'm fairly certain it's a type of algae. Solution? Get a bristlenose!

I'd kill to have algae in my tank!
BBA = Black Brush Algae and your Bristlenose would not eat it, it is a pest algae.  Only Siamese Flying Foxes eat it.  
Not Siamese Flying Foxes, but Siamese Algae Eaters. That's what I was trying to get from my LFS and I ended up with the Flying Foxes, which do NOT eat BBA, unfortunately. 
And, I have addressed the issues that caused the BBA in the first place. New growth is coming in on my plants and they don't have the BBA, but I still have the persistent stuff that was on there originally.
I'm going to try the peroxide bit today or tomorrow and see what happens. I'll report back. And if a mod wants to move this to the Algae section I'm all for it. 
This Old Spouse said:

No idea what BBA is but I'm fairly certain it's a type of algae. Solution? Get a bristlenose!

I'd kill to have algae in my tank!
BBA = Black Brush Algae and your Bristlenose would not eat it, it is a pest algae.  Only Siamese Flying Foxes eat it.  
Not Siamese Flying Foxes, but Siamese Algae Eaters. That's what I was trying to get from my LFS and I ended up with the Flying Foxes, which do NOT eat BBA, unfortunately. 
And, I have addressed the issues that caused the BBA in the first place. New growth is coming in on my plants and they don't have the BBA, but I still have the persistent stuff that was on there originally.
I'm going to try the peroxide bit today or tomorrow and see what happens. I'll report back. And if a mod wants to move this to the Algae section I'm all for it. 

sorry thanks for the correction, easy to get them mixed up I guess.
What was the original cause out of interest?  Look forward to seeing if the peroxide works on it.  Still battling with my BGA but that is now in the correct post ;)
Well, I cut my lighting by half and also cut the feeding by half. I'm dosing with Flourish every few days, and as far as I can see there is no new BBA. I'm anxious to try the peroxide treatment. 
Well, I just finished with the first round of treatment. I took out about 50% of the tank water, then I removed the wood and rock with the anubia and java fern. I took these over to the sink, and used a pipette to dribble peroxide over all the affected leaves. Then I put them in a bucket with some of the used tank water. I then scrubbed the inside walls of the tank, replaced the wood and rock, and filled with fresh water. 
I guess I'll see what, if anything, happens. 
This Old Spouse said:
 And if a mod wants to move this to the Algae section I'm all for it. 

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