The American Office Any One

im glad we share the same sense of humor/ love for the show.
i got home late tonight from work and missed it :( gonna have to download and watch :)
and yes, CATCH could you!
eah lol gonna watch some tonight after school
i know hahahahahah i took my laptop watched two at lunch and the last a minute ago

also where do you watch yours as i know a internet place that put the recyclops episode up on the 20th of november so you get to see them xtra early (also no dowloading) if you want the adrress ill pm it to you
the US version is only loosely scripted...most is improv. and if you think the "guy" isnt funny, you dont understand the character..he's SUPPOSED to a dorky-trying-to-be-funny-at-all-times guy. it is best to watch many episodes (preferably in order) so you get a good sense of the character relationships and their individual quirks.
the MOST brilliant show in ages, taken directly from the UK version, of course, but still AMAZING!
oh, and NEW EPISODE TONIGHT :shout: :hyper: cant waqit :p

I understand the humor of course but I think they have basically just copied the UK version. I fail to see the difference between them, and I think the world can only hold one Ricky Gervais anymore and it would implode.
the US version is only loosely scripted...most is improv. and if you think the "guy" isnt funny, you dont understand the character..he's SUPPOSED to a dorky-trying-to-be-funny-at-all-times guy. it is best to watch many episodes (preferably in order) so you get a good sense of the character relationships and their individual quirks.
the MOST brilliant show in ages, taken directly from the UK version, of course, but still AMAZING!
oh, and NEW EPISODE TONIGHT :shout: :hyper: cant waqit :p

I understand the humor of course but I think they have basically just copied the UK version. I fail to see the difference between them, and I think the world can only hold one Ricky Gervais anymore and it would implode.
they absolutely DID copy the UK fact, the first few episodes were almost identical right down to the jokes..creators/ producers saw the potential for the american audience and they gave it a go on one of the networks. it TOOK OFF here. and Ricky Gervais was all for the American version. he signed off on it. at least from what ive read. i believe he had a hand in producing some of the initial episodes here.
in any case, it is AMAZING! and now there are many mockumentary style comedy shows trying to ride it's success (parks and recreation, and community to name 2 very recent and fairly successful ones.). they are fairly funny and worth watching, but dont have quite the characters as the Office.

lol...recyclops..i nearly died laughing.
and BAE- i appreciate the thought but it is fun to wait for thursday nights to watch me something to look forward to every week :eek: and if we do miss it, it is up on the torrents within 20 minutes of airing so its not that big a deal. makes me even MORE excited! but cheers anyway. did you ever see the "webisodes"? very short little clips that they did online. i believe there were 10 in the series. they are great too, just really short (as in 1-2 minutes per webisode). still havent watched last nights...we will watch it with dinner tonight :)
yeah the webisodes none play over here in uk

can you email videos ???
I'm not really a great fan of either BUT

I could always watch the UK one, but could never get into the american one.

even though the american one may have been mostly improv, and the character is supposed to be a trying to be funny kinda guy, sois the brit one. and yet gervais pulls that off while seeming to BE that character, whereas the american one seems to be TRYING to be funny with a TRYing to be funny character, and it doesn't quite work (IMO).

also, it seems to be the same stuff, except in some cases (in the small amounts I've seen) the dry, mostly intelligent humour is dumbed down and made more obvious in the american one.

It#s a shame since I like pretty much everything else steve carrell is in. (it is him isn't it,as far as I remember)

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