Tankwater for houseplants


Fish Crazy
Jun 26, 2002
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I read somewhere (on the web - I try and find it again if you want! ) that if you give your waterchanged tank water to your house and patio plants they'll love you forever  :love:

Has anyone tried this or shall I just go ahead and be the guineapig? squeak squeak :laugh:

Er as my head trys to work out all the input and output chemicals of water I can acually answer "don't know" :laugh: You may well have to be the guineapig.
Tatya said:
I read somewhere (on the web - I try and find it again if you want! ) that if you give your waterchanged tank water to your house and patio plants they'll love you forever  :love:

Has anyone tried this or shall I just go ahead and be the guineapig? squeak squeak :laugh:
I do this all the time and my houseplants look fine (although it has to be said that until recently, I had nitrate levels that must have felt like fertilizer to the plants!).
Yes we use it all the time. I have a barrel outside where I store used tank water,especially for plants. The chemical composition even after medication is used is similar to that of fertilisers. When you think you can recycle "whitewater" for your plants, tankwater is an oasis for them. Plants are hardy things. My wife has the green fingers in this household and she has plants and flowers all over the house and garden. We have often said "Alan Titchmarch eat your heart out". My wife based her garden around the late Geoff Hamilton's ideas- she found him quite fascinating and very natural. So many of the features of our garden reflects his styles.
I will have to get you guys to sort my wife out if she so much at looks at a plant it dies. lol
Not only is used tank water great for house plants, but you should try it on outdoor plants, shrubs and anything else you would normally water. I also use it for my lawn. Yes thats right my lawn. Best FREE fertilizer in the world.

It's the best thing I ever done for my plants, they love it :love: :love: I've never seen them so bushy, green and Happy!!!!! :D :D :D In fact, if it was possible to merchandise it - I would. All my friends stand in line with bottles when I tell them I'm going to clean my tanks :laugh:

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