Tanganyikan Project

Couple more snaps



BEFORE-nice and bright, 18W Sunglo + 18W Original Tropical


AFTER- just a 20W Aqua-Glo, very old and seen much brighter days :good:
Very busy day today :hyper:

Robbed the external filter from the 95ltr and added to 190ltr (2xTetratecEX700), ran out of time so I will strip them both on Saturday :sick:
Completley drained the 95ltr 100% :good:
Took all shells from the tank and gave them a good wash, found a few Assassin Snails hiding in them so back in the tank they went, I removed one shell in particular and it stank to high heaven, guess I found the missing Multi then :sad: :sick:
Drained 20gall from main tank and put into the 95ltr, added the two sponges and the uber Rena airpump :good:
Drained almost all of the main tank, saving some in as many basins as I could find , steal, borrow...
All rockwork removed, shifted as much coral gravel and black sand to the right hand side of the tank, poured what I had left of the cichlid sand in the left of the tank (area for other new tenants). Added all the basins back in main tank and robbed about 30% from the 95ltr then all the rest from the tap with some prime.
Knackered.... :lol:
Previous to this I took the basic tropical lamp and put it on the 95ltr, looks nice, took the 24" Aqua-Glo from the 95 and put it on the main tank, just on it's own, very dim but I think this will look good when the Paracyps arrive. :good:
Planning adding an actinic 24" 18-20W marine blue in here also :unsure:
As I was running out of time, heading out to work in a few hours, I moved the Multi and a couple of Plecs into the 95ltr, just for a day or two, the Multi should go in the "fishbox" tomorrow, just for a little while, had been running that filter in the main tank for a bit so should be ok :good:
Next week all the fry will go in the 95ltr, I will then sort out all the substrate and have to add the rockwork to have it ready for setting up :hyper:
So basically set up the "fishbox" (almost) and done 2 massive water changes plus all the wee bits in between. Can't wait till the water clears and get them done properly, not long now :hyper:

That light has definately seen better days huh :look:

Sorry about your multi :sad: Did you say you were getting some more? :unsure:

So you`re almost done then by the looks of it, or at the least you`ve sorted out what is going where. It`s great seeing the pics, it gives a much better idea of your plans and progress :good: :good:
what air pump do you use for the sponge filters. also where did you get the sponge filters from? cheers
what air pump do you use for the sponge filters. also where did you get the sponge filters from? cheers

I have a Tetratec APS100, I was going to sell/donate to Elisew'a fry but had to hang on to it, I have a Jad sponge and a Cristal stick on sponge, I was selling them a while back but glad I hung on to them now, the 2 big sponges I just picked up in LFS , they were about £7.50 ea , don't know if that's expensive or not :unsure: they are run by a Rena600 (warehouse aquatics) :good:
I'll try get a pic. up of the "fishbox" soon, it's got 1 Multi in there , lats of slate and some lace rock, still not organised :lol:
Very busy day today :hyper:

Robbed the external filter from the 95ltr and added to 190ltr (2xTetratecEX700), ran out of time so I will strip them both on Saturday :sick:
Completley drained the 95ltr 100% :good:
Took all shells from the tank and gave them a good wash, found a few Assassin Snails hiding in them so back in the tank they went, I removed one shell in particular and it stank to high heaven, guess I found the missing Multi then :sad: :sick:
Drained 20gall from main tank and put into the 95ltr, added the two sponges and the uber Rena airpump :good:
Drained almost all of the main tank, saving some in as many basins as I could find , steal, borrow...
All rockwork removed, shifted as much coral gravel and black sand to the right hand side of the tank, poured what I had left of the cichlid sand in the left of the tank (area for other new tenants). Added all the basins back in main tank and robbed about 30% from the 95ltr then all the rest from the tap with some prime.
Knackered.... :lol:
Previous to this I took the basic tropical lamp and put it on the 95ltr, looks nice, took the 24" Aqua-Glo from the 95 and put it on the main tank, just on it's own, very dim but I think this will look good when the Paracyps arrive. :good:
Planning adding an actinic 24" 18-20W marine blue in here also :unsure:
As I was running out of time, heading out to work in a few hours, I moved the Multi and a couple of Plecs into the 95ltr, just for a day or two, the Multi should go in the "fishbox" tomorrow, just for a little while, had been running that filter in the main tank for a bit so should be ok :good:
Next week all the fry will go in the 95ltr, I will then sort out all the substrate and have to add the rockwork to have it ready for setting up :hyper:
So basically set up the "fishbox" (almost) and done 2 massive water changes plus all the wee bits in between. Can't wait till the water clears and get them done properly, not long now :hyper:

That light has definately seen better days huh :look:

Sorry about your multi :sad: Did you say you were getting some more? :unsure:

So you`re almost done then by the looks of it, or at the least you`ve sorted out what is going where. It`s great seeing the pics, it gives a much better idea of your plans and progress :good: :good:

Very busy day today :hyper:

Robbed the external filter from the 95ltr and added to 190ltr (2xTetratecEX700), ran out of time so I will strip them both on Saturday :sick:
Completley drained the 95ltr 100% :good:
Took all shells from the tank and gave them a good wash, found a few Assassin Snails hiding in them so back in the tank they went, I removed one shell in particular and it stank to high heaven, guess I found the missing Multi then :sad: :sick:
Drained 20gall from main tank and put into the 95ltr, added the two sponges and the uber Rena airpump :good:
Drained almost all of the main tank, saving some in as many basins as I could find , steal, borrow...
All rockwork removed, shifted as much coral gravel and black sand to the right hand side of the tank, poured what I had left of the cichlid sand in the left of the tank (area for other new tenants). Added all the basins back in main tank and robbed about 30% from the 95ltr then all the rest from the tap with some prime.
Knackered.... :lol:
Previous to this I took the basic tropical lamp and put it on the 95ltr, looks nice, took the 24" Aqua-Glo from the 95 and put it on the main tank, just on it's own, very dim but I think this will look good when the Paracyps arrive. :good:
Planning adding an actinic 24" 18-20W marine blue in here also :unsure:
As I was running out of time, heading out to work in a few hours, I moved the Multi and a couple of Plecs into the 95ltr, just for a day or two, the Multi should go in the "fishbox" tomorrow, just for a little while, had been running that filter in the main tank for a bit so should be ok :good:
Next week all the fry will go in the 95ltr, I will then sort out all the substrate and have to add the rockwork to have it ready for setting up :hyper:
So basically set up the "fishbox" (almost) and done 2 massive water changes plus all the wee bits in between. Can't wait till the water clears and get them done properly, not long now :hyper:

That light has definately seen better days huh :look:

Sorry about your multi :sad: Did you say you were getting some more? :unsure:

So you`re almost done then by the looks of it, or at the least you`ve sorted out what is going where. It`s great seeing the pics, it gives a much better idea of your plans and progress :good: :good:

The light is very dim but suits the tank perfect, love it :good:
1 lone Multi :sad: I had planned on 1 or 2 more but just going to leave it, I really don't have enough tanks :lol:
I have ordered and paid for the Xeno's and N. Kungweensis but delayed them as it's really cold here again :grr:
have a real good idea of the layout and stock now so just another few weeks :good: :good:
Here's where we're up to now...
WA have the black sand in again, been wanting to put it in the main tank, think the paracyps and xenos will look nice against it. Problem is I am working loads next week so won't be in for receiving delivery, AAAGGGHHH :grr: :crazy:

48ltr "fishbox" , I have some slate under the sand yo avoid looking at glass when the Kungweensis dig through the sand, have some slate at the back, this will be buried, hoping the will uncover it and use it as caves :cool:
I will be adding another cristal sponge at the left hand side and running them both from the same pump :good: Might add an external filter later in the year but the sponges work fine. :unsure: The lace rock will get stacked a bit more to the rear and left (maybe.) and some jave fern added, here's where it's at just now. 1 Multifasciatus, probably just go in the main tank if I don't give it away :sad:





Main tank , itching to get it scaped and stocked


Just thought I'd chuck a few pics. on, 48ltr"fishbox" more or less done, hate the internal hardware, so I imagine at the latter part of the year will probably be sporting some sort of external filter. All ready for Neolamprologus Kungweensis and will add a couple of shells, can't wait :hyper: Will need to rehome this lonely Multi :sad:




Plans for main tank but this could change (again) :lol:



Again stuck on the final stocking, seriously thinking about adding another 2 Xeno Bathyphilus to the order, don't think I can add Cyps and Paracys (to busy), have sourced some Paracyprichromis Brieni, they are not as attractive as Nigripinnis but they do use the open space more so might be an option :unsure:
It look really good, I`m sure the new additions will love their new home :good: :good:

Really wish I could help you out with the multi, it`s sad that there`s only 1 left and I would love to be able to give it a home :sad:

I can`t comment on the Xenos because I know nothing about them to be honest....apart from they look nice :look: :lol: Maybe the cyps or paracyps? can be an option for another tank some other time? :unsure:

It`s definately all coming along nicely though :D

(ps, just ordered my lucipinnis from Mike!!!!) Yayyyyy :D :lol:
From research, it seems one or the other on the cyps or paras. I suppose it depends on size of tank but 2 groups is gonna be really busy like you said.
Hi, bit of an update here....
Tomorrows delivery arrived today :good:




Been waiting a while till they got the black sand in, missed the order a few times :lol:

The small Rena airpump will run 2 sponges in the 46ltr"fishbox" :good:
Decided to go with a 24" 18W Marine Blue Actinic , runni8ng it alongside the old done in aqua-glo, I thought it would bring out the blue in the Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis, as it turns out, I'm not getting Paracyps now :lol:
Will eventually run the 2 bulbs on 2 seperate control units, just wondering how the blue would look for evening viewing :unsure:

Out of focus tank shot :lol:

Blue bulb added

Tank shot with both bulbs, it has more of a "moonlighht" effect not really shown here, think this one is in focus :lol:

With the gift of hindsight the cost of the 2 airpumps and sponges etc bought over a period of time I could probably just have bought one of these :grr: :blush: :lol:

Planning transferring all the fry to the 20gall tonight and totally stripping the main tank down, getting the black sand in, stripping and cleaning the two filters :sick: (never my favourite job) :lol: then adding rocks , plants and water. Was going to try get dark rocks or some slate but I have so much ocean rock and lava rock laying around I'm as well using that :unsure:
Final stoack has been ordered and amended, I can get earlier but have set Friday as delivery date, stock as follows....

4 Altolamprologus Compressiceps "Sumbu Shell"
7 Xenotilapia Bathyphilus Mtoto "congo blue"
13 Cyprichromis Leptosoma mpulungu

And in the 48ltr"fishbox"
2 Neolamprologus Kungweensis

ONly downside is I don't know if I want to add my BN PLecs to the mix, could probably part with the 2 browns (female) but would be hard pushed to part with the Gold one :sad:

Looking forward to Friday :good:
Hmm, I was the same about my bn plecs but have to say I`m glad I kept them as it`s nice to see them milling around with all the other different fish now. Obviously my clown plec would have been too sensitive for the Tang setup but he seems to be doing well in with the badis and glassfish :good:

Sooooo, almost done now then? You`re gonna be a busy boy sorting it all but I reckon it`ll all look brill, I can`t wait to see pics of the fish once they`re finally in their new homes :D
Just caught up on developments since my trip away over the weekend, looking forward to seeing the Xenos photos and other new fish next weekend. ;)

I was up in Wirral and visited Andys Aquatics, where they had a few Altoploamprologus that looked like your "Sumbu Dwarf," but these were not labelled as compriceps, possibly 3cm baby "chaitika whites."

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