Snow<What Snow?

Well Im bummed, as Knox said, we were told to expect several inches and what do we get, rain, rain and more bleeping rain!!! I want snow, however, I dont want it when the schools go back, which is guaranteed when we get it. Makes me laugh, you know when the met office issue a severe weather watch, nothing will happen, its when they dont predict it, it happens.
i noticed that too!

we got rain rain rain

SNOW witch felt like freakin sleet!

my brother and sister's where playing in it :crazy: i was like :crazy: not toching that. Hopefully though. We will get snow.

it does look as-if its oging to Rain ( Or Snow )

And aha :p

I Cant wait for this so claled blizzard to hit. Means where delayed off school once more :hey: :shifty: Then i can plan what i need to plan :shifty:

Like hell!
I Got sent home for throwing snoiw balls when every-one else did.

My mom does'nt care because they sholud of closed the school anyway!!!!1

Who else got snow :D :good:
Yeah we got it here, started at 9am for a couple of hours, then started again an hour ago, why should they shut the schools? God sake roads are clear, its just an excuse, Ive no doubt my kids schools will be closed tomorrow though :rolleyes:
Yeah we got it here, started at 9am for a couple of hours, then started again an hour ago, why should they shut the schools? God sake roads are clear, its just an excuse, Ive no doubt my kids schools will be closed tomorrow though :rolleyes:

SSSHHHH!!!! I am praying that my college is shut tomorrow. It is 18 miles away from my house and a pain to get to in normal weather. Leaving the house at 7am and standing around in the snow waiting for buses is no fun at all!
Yeah we got it here, started at 9am for a couple of hours, then started again an hour ago, why should they shut the schools? God sake roads are clear, its just an excuse, Ive no doubt my kids schools will be closed tomorrow though :rolleyes:
The roads here are kind of icey... And our schools on a hill so... You wont want to drive up/down that now would you unless you have a land rover witch can take the heat :lol:

Yeah we got it here, started at 9am for a couple of hours, then started again an hour ago, why should they shut the schools? God sake roads are clear, its just an excuse, Ive no doubt my kids schools will be closed tomorrow though :rolleyes:

SSSHHHH!!!! I am praying that my college is shut tomorrow. It is 18 miles away from my house and a pain to get to in normal weather. Leaving the house at 7am and standing around in the snow waiting for buses is no fun at all!
gutted mate. :lol: every-whre else closed at around 11??? Our school closed at 2! :crazy:
Trust me, to get my kids to school and out of my hair, Id #41#### well crawl up the hill!!
we had a pathetic attempt at a blizzard today.

but since the first bad snow we had (21st Dec..ish) its been funny, every time the roads get clear it will snow for half an hour then freeze it has been repeating this pattern since then, gettin boring now
Our school closed at 11, i wasnt there, im ill at home :crazy:

it seems ridiculous to me, if all of the teachers are there, and the kids, then why close early? they have to get home at some point anyway, so why not let it be the usual time :rolleyes:

we have had a nice covering in Kidderminster, makes me laugh how everything stops though, when you think of it, its pretty pathetic, i couldnt get my charterhouse aquatics order, thats why i sound a bit anoyed :lol:

Trust me, to get my kids to school and out of my hair, Id #41#### well crawl up the hill!!
LOL How old are thy? If the're young. I Understand!

we had a pathetic attempt at a blizzard today.

but since the first bad snow we had (21st Dec..ish) its been funny, every time the roads get clear it will snow for half an hour then freeze it has been repeating this pattern since then, gettin boring now
LOL i take it your hating the snow at the moment?

Our school closed at 11, i wasnt there, im ill at home :crazy:

it seems ridiculous to me, if all of the teachers are there, and the kids, then why close early? they have to get home at some point anyway, so why not let it be the usual time :rolleyes:

we have had a nice covering in Kidderminster, makes me laugh how everything stops though, when you think of it, its pretty pathetic, i couldnt get my charterhouse aquatics order, thats why i sound a bit anoyed :lol:

Well today it took me around about 45 minutes to get home? And normaly it takes 10-15 minutes :lol: I Think they do it so kids dont have to walk home in the dark/snow
I Think they do it so kids dont have to walk home in the dark/snow

how does that work out?? when it snows, it stays alight longer, plus, our school finishes at 2.50 pm, not even in the shortest day of the year is it dark when we have to walk home.
my kids are 17 (at college), 15 & 5, 15yr takes 10mins to walk to school, the 5 year old is 3 miles away and if I can get there, so can the teachers. Anyway, its stopped snowing now, fingers crossed it stays that way, although it is amusing watching the cars trying to get up the road opposite me (steep hill) and watching them roll back down again :p
I think it has more to do with how are culture is getting like american culture, kid falls over because of snow or ice,mum n dad think caaaching sue the school.....and insurance prob does not cover that type of event<thats what ive been told...All the heating systems in the schools around here are packing up....ha imagine how they cope in russia and places like that :rolleyes:
I hear what you say, Nelly, and its terrible, the whole sueing thing :angry:
makes me laugh though, the acident helpline adverts :lol:

i was walking and i tripped on a piece of plastic that "shouldnt have been there" :crazy:

has common sence gone to pot!?! why are people not looking where they are walking :huh:

I think im going to move abroad when im older, i no longer like this country.
I Think they do it so kids dont have to walk home in the dark/snow

how does that work out?? when it snows, it stays alight longer, plus, our school finishes at 2.50 pm, not even in the shortest day of the year is it dark when we have to walk home.
We finish at 3.. In the winter some times i end up walking home in the dark :crazy:

my kids are 17 (at college), 15 & 5, 15yr takes 10mins to walk to school, the 5 year old is 3 miles away and if I can get there, so can the teachers. Anyway, its stopped snowing now, fingers crossed it stays that way, although it is amusing watching the cars trying to get up the road opposite me (steep hill) and watching them roll back down again :p
that makes you.. umm 70 right? ;) Joking xD

Na. Where in for more snow minx :p And yea. I Live on a main road and most traffic is at a stand still

I Hope i wake up to a ton of snow to play in tomorrow ( Im TRYING to make an igloo but at the moment. i have given up. ( Yea.. i have 3 gardens witch are fairly big FULL of unwanted/needed snow :shifty: I Can make my plan come true now by robbing nanes / fat nabours snow without there permission :hey: :lol:

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