Simon's Planted Tank Journal

I'm torn between hairgrass, glosso and HC :S :S :S decisions decisions!
HC is the lowest maintenance out of the three by far, and the prettiest too for most circumstances IMHO. It just requires a little trim now and again - ask zig.

HC is my favourite so far, i like the way the small leafs make the tank look bigger than it is much like Themuleous nano tank.

I decided I'm going to strip my tank down and start from scratch, i have brush algae on the gravel and some of the equipment and not happy with my substrate, i though was black quartz, but have since found out it is glass, the problem is its discolouring and turning gray :(

Plus its time for a change.
Thanks for the nice comments re my nano, HC is a great little plant, and like all carpeting plants if you put in the effort to start with it'll reward you with good growth. If you let me know when you're making the change I may have some HC going spare, as I'll need to have a tidy up in a week or so, would be happy to send you some. Just PM me

Hi all

My seachem trace has run out so I've just bought some of aqua essentials dry trace mix its going to last a year so a good saving.

everything is filling out nicely, I'm not happy with the grass i think there's no real transition between them and the right hand side, so i though about adding some low bushie plants to the base of the bogwood.

I want to try a different carpeting plant, probably HC, i also fancy adding some riccia somewhere, so i think is going to end up as a sort of dutch style soon, as I'm leaning towards putting some plants to the left of the tank as well.

Here's a pic let me know what you think.

I want to try a different carpeting plant, probably HC, i also fancy adding some riccia somewhere, so i think is going to end up as a sort of dutch style soon, as I'm leaning towards putting some plants to the left of the tank as well.

Simon, there is no shame in Dutch. Some people have a more Nature state of mind, others think in more Dutch terms and concepts for aquascaping. I really don't think one style is better than the other and I've seen incredible aquariums in both styles. As long as the plants are healthy and the layout is pretty in YOUR eyes, that's all that matters.

The tall grassy plant on the left looks a little odd to me, and I want you to put something on the left too.

It looks good, though.

llj :)
Looking nice mate, as llj said the tall plant near the left looks out of place on its own but it seems to be growing nicely.
Can i ask what the plant is at the front, 2nd from the right hand side.
cool! I likethe balance between space for the fish too play and swim, and places for them too hide and rest! Great job
Looking good simon, you certainly dont need help growing plants they all seems to be doing well.

I would only add that its very much a tank of two halves, right side is packed with plants, and the left is very open. This is probably just because the left side needs to fill out thou. An HC carpet on the left would look cool thou, give some different shapes in the tank and creaste a glade type area. And having that long thin plant growing out the middle of it would look great too IMO :)

Just my thoughts please feel free to ingnore! ;)

Thanks everybody, all your comments are very welcome, its nice to have a different perspective on things, as we all to often miss the obvious in our own tanks.

I have to agree with every one, the grass is RUBBISH!!!! but I'm sticking to my guns with my Lilly type plant, which i think it is a Echindorus of some sort, but i think I'm going to bend to peer pressure and move it to the back left, along with a few other plants.

I want to try and incorporate some riccia somewhere on the left, as for a new fore ground plant i'm open to sugestions.
Apart from being ill for the last few days, its not been a bad week.

I got some fish of my kids for my birthday, 6 Harlequin Rasbora (Rasbora heteromorpha) and 2 bronze corys which went in my record 60 and 2 albino red fin sharks for my record 96.
I also got some money off my mum/step dad and sister/brother in law, which i'm going to add to that in my ebay account, the thing is what to get?

I,m thinking a co2 regulator and a glass ceramic diffuser for my new 200ltr i'm setting up, but im unsure yet, i also want a glass diffuser, intake and outlet for my record 96, alont with a inline heater ( i think i better sell some more stuff on ebay and save some more money :lol:)

I got 10 amano shrimp (algae eaters) which i ordered last week and some riccia, which came this morning, so lots to do il take some pics when I've finished.

Haha there is always something to get hey Simon? :lol:

Yeh post some pics once you've had a sort out.

As you know I've had a little spending spree, me and the wife popped up to Gorden Riggs rigs garden center in Rochdale last weekend, and was surprised to see they had some reasonable planted tank gear, more thank what I've seen in local shops.

We also popped in to the Walsden branch on there way, and had a look.
i had a brife chat to one of the lads working there that was in to planted tanks as well, and he said they suppose to be getting a load more specialized gear in the near future (includes pressurized co2 substrates etc etc), along with a good selection of plants.

To get to the crunch, i got a few bargains, a Hagen in line heater for £25, and some superb pieces of bogwood, for £3 and £4.

I put the plants i bought and what do you know I'm almost happy with my tank :lol: I've still plenty to do but its getting there.

Here's a few pics for you all :)

A full tank shot


The left side, the pic doesn't do it justice.
It was lacking a focal point, so I've added a piece of bogwood with some java moss and Microsorum pteropus Windeløv to pulled the two sides together, but it still needs some tweaking, I'm not happy with the fern.
At the back to give it some height and width I've put a single stem of Eusteralis stellata (which should look as nice when it grows to the surface and turns a nice shade of pink) and some Rotala sp. Nanjenshan, when it fills out it should look good.


Here's my Riccia, i just wanted to try it, but as it grows i might spread it a little and make a sort of rolling hill side, i know its a lot of work but i like the it looks so far and want to try it on a bigger scale.
I'm will end up try HC and gloss as well, as I'm not sure what they will look like.
I'm fed up with the grass now so its got to go.


Here's one of the new shrimp, I've lost six the first day i put them in, and haven't seen the rest since so I'm beginning to think they are fish food.


Here's a couple just because i like them :)

Eusteralis stellata


Eusteralis stellata and a unknown plant (I'm about 90% sure its a Echindorus of some sort).

The plant touching the water surface, in the left quater of the tank (2nd pic), looks ace, its like a tornado!
How many shrimp did you get? What fish are in with them, might be obvious or not if they fish have eaten them. Amano shrimp are great at hiding!

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