Red Patches On Fins Under Body And In Random Places But Not On The Edg


Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2012
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My half moon betta Kuro was having some problems with ripped fins but they grew back and I don't believe he ever got fin rot.
But i noticed that he has red under his body on his fins and some specs on the fins (not at the edges). I read that betta's can change colour but I feel like this is blood?? It doesn't look like he's bleeding though.
Oh, he is in a 10gal tank and doesn't have a loss of apatite so I don't think he's sick. :s


The pictures don't show it well...
Is this red coloration in the same place where his fins were ripped?
hi YamiHime - Kuro is a lovely fish!!
Can't really see the red on those photos. They do change colour as they mature then settle on a colour theme.
Is there anything else in the tank he could be damaging his fins on? Have you tried the stocking test where you rub the stocking on the ornament or whatever and if it snags it can harm your betta?
If he is otherwise healthy just keep on top of the water changes and keep an eye on things. Can't think what else to suggest really.
Looks more like colouring to me.
Septicemia is usually red edging to fins. Or blood spots on fins, or red streaking in fins.
GuppyGirl20 said:
Is this red coloration in the same place where his fins were ripped?
No they definetly were not, that's what's puzzling me.
Mamashack said:
hi YamiHime - Kuro is a lovely fish!!
Can't really see the red on those photos. They do change colour as they mature then settle on a colour theme.
Is there anything else in the tank he could be damaging his fins on? Have you tried the stocking test where you rub the stocking on the ornament or whatever and if it snags it can harm your betta?
If he is otherwise healthy just keep on top of the water changes and keep an eye on things. Can't think what else to suggest really.
Yeah the photo's are awful. I can try to get better ones but kuro never wants to sit still > >
I'll do a teast on some stuff but he never damadged his fins on anything, he just bit his tail a while ago. I'll keep the water clean and hopefully it's just colour.
WILDER said:
Looks more like colouring to me.
Septicemia is usually red edging to fins. Or blood spots on fins, or red streaking in fins.
Yeah... I think it's colour but do you have examples of betta fish who do have blood on their fins so I could tell the difference?? I guess I'll try to google it too.
I am assuming that the red you are talking about is near the body especially on the anal fin (bottom fin).  If so that is just normal coloring called "red wash" in bettas.  To me your body looks nice and healthy although a bit on the chunky side unless he had just eaten prior to the picture being taken.

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