Pseud's Nano Journal

As far as I know some algae at the begining is unavoidable. Is it the tiny little hair like algae? If so then this is perfectly normal in a new setup and should go away in a a few days/weeks so long as everything is in balance.

Get a few cherry and amano shrimp in there if you dont have already. They work wonders in a new setup.

er the obvious answer to me is prune your big tank and chuck all the ugly stem cuttings that you were going to throw away into the nano. they will suck up all the nutrients and you never know may look good enough in a week or so to go back in the big one.

thats what i'd do anyway, swap them out again when the tanks more mature.

how about trying that horizontal planted stem plant experiment we were talking about a few months ago. all you'd need is 4 or 5 stems and if it works you'll have a forest in 3/4 weeks.

if you've forgotten what i was on about say the word and i'll go through it again.
Yeah, it's fine hair like algae.

Jim - I totally forgot about that! Great Idea. I think I have a ocuple of stems of ludwiga repens left, and maybe I'll try it with some bacopa caroliniana too. Great thinking.
Well, I added two stems of Hydrocotyle Leucocephala, 4 of Bacopa Carolina, 2 Ludwigia repens, and a red tiger lotus. LOTS of pearling going on now, even from my anubias nana petite!

Also, Jim, planted a stem of bacopa horizontally for the experiment!
er the obvious answer to me is prune your big tank and chuck all the ugly stem cuttings that you were going to throw away into the nano. they will suck up all the nutrients and you never know may look good enough in a week or so to go back in the big one.
That's what i do as well lol. New tank set ups are a pain.
As for the shrimp idea , they are well cool, i can sit and watch mine all day.

how about trying that horizontal planted stem plant experiment we were talking about
Oh yea keeping secrets now eh???? lol goaaan!!! you can tell us :hey:

Pseud do you find the temp on the nano stays stable , i found with small tanks and high lighting the temps tend to climb.
Hmm, shrimp... will shrimp be ok to live with a male betta?
And how many of them could I keep in the 5 gallon tank? (footprint of 16 " x 8")

I haven't been monitoring the temperature, but my hand just told me that the temperature does seem to vary throughout the day. Tomorrow I'll measure morning and night temperature.

Ohhhh hehehe, the horizontal planting experiment, hehehe.... Jim's idea is to bury a stem in the substrate, cover it mostly over and leave it, after a while it will produce sideshoots from each node that actually grow upwards, so you can get many stems from one stem very quickly.

I'm wondering if it works for ALL stem plants, or which ones it does and doesn't...
yeah thats the one. LOL

it will work better with a couple of "wild" stems. you know those ones that appear when you haven't pruned for 3 weeks. one stem of ludwigia may branch out from one stem at the bottom to 5/6 by the time you are at the top. if you've been really lazy (like me on occasion) each node on the stem produces a new branch, at that point the arial roots start to form

if you pull up one of these stems and trim the roots to about 1.5 inches, plant the whole thing horizontally burying the arial roots and leaving some of the leaves poking out my theory is each node will give rise to a whole new stem.

it will look kinda ugly for a few weeks but in a second tank in theory you can produce a small forest from 4 or 5 stems.

just an idea we were throwing around via pm a few months ago.
Ordered 26w light kit today. Will have to build an enclosure for it. Big DIY mission coming up!
E. Triandra isn't doing so good. Everything else is fine though. Was hoping my 26w would arrive yesterday but I wont get it til tomorrow now. And the earliest I can build the enclosure will be tuesday, so at best on wednesday the lighting will be upgraded. :S longer than I'd like but it's out of my hands.

Here's a couple of pics I took after trimming. H Zesterfolia and R. Rotundifolia grows nicely under my 15w!



Good idea jimbooo must try it sometime.................lookin good that light is pink, what is it, is it a General electric light by any chance? Probably look like a different tank when you install the new lights.
Thanks Zig... it's just the standard fluorescent light that comes with All Glass Aquariums light strips... 14w.. don't know the K rating. I can't wait til my 26w CF comes. I'll post pics :D

That looks great and I love your betta :)

How are you going to deal with the heat from the t5? Do you heat the tank now?

Thanks Sam, he's called Kiet. That's Thai for "Honor".

Answer: Hope for the best LOL

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