Pressurised CO2

ADelphi said:
Cut the plug  :eek:  :look:  :-(  ;) I wouldn't do that as it has on it MCT transformer.
:rofl: Righty-o I'll take that back then !
I was looking on ebay last night. If you know what your doing there are some deals to be had. Some people are selling dennerle bottles and regulators. but not whatever else you need.

No cheap versions of the jbl kit though, well there was one going with a solenoid for £80 plus postage but unfortunately its sold :(

If I can get a deal that matches or comes within a tenner of aquatics online I shall prob buy one tomorrow. If they even sell them...might have to drive around a bit.
I must admit I had also been keeping an eye on ebay, but nothing much had been coming up. I got a telephone message from NewLeaf to say that they are in fact out of stock on the set I ordered (even though the guy said he was looking at one when I placed the order!!!), so won't get mine for a week yet :(
nodding_dino said:
I must admit I had also been keeping an eye on ebay, but nothing much had been coming up. I got a telephone message from NewLeaf to say that they are in fact out of stock on the set I ordered (even though the guy said he was looking at one when I placed the order!!!), so won't get mine for a week yet :(
Looks like I got the last one then. Sorry mate. Only a couple of mixture changes to do though until it arrives eh? :lol:
I've ordered mine! My boyfriend told me to go for it!! So if he doesnt mind me spending £157 then I shouldn't :)

I went to LFS in hope of getting one today but they were useless. I've spent probably £200 with them in the past few months, the tight gits. They said it'd cost over £200 if I bought one through them.

So I've ordered the JBL profi 2 from aquatics online. Postage was free :D so it was £157 in the end.

You guys are such a bad influence on me! I only set up my tank cos I thought it'd be a cheap hobby to restart as I already had all the gear!
gf225 said:
Congrats - another member of the pressurized club!

Yeah me and my Nutrafins are beginning to feel very lonely :(
houndour said:
I've ordered mine! My boyfriend told me to go for it!! So if he doesnt mind me spending £157 then I shouldn't :)

I went to LFS in hope of getting one today but they were useless. I've spent probably £200 with them in the past few months, the tight gits. They said it'd cost over £200 if I bought one through them.

So I've ordered the JBL profi 2 from aquatics online. Postage was free :D so it was £157 in the end.

You guys are such a bad influence on me! I only set up my tank cos I thought it'd be a cheap hobby to restart as I already had all the gear!
How really stupid of them ! :angry: It really gets me annoyed when they don't look after their customers and are willing to lose out to the internet. Their short sightedness will catch up with them (unfortunately) soon enough :no:

Well done for getting yours ! I will hopefully join to club soon (sorry zig ! :lol: ) :)
houndour said:
I only set up my tank cos I thought it'd be a cheap hobby to restart as I already had all the gear!

Talking about money i thought it strange when i told my father i was going to be getting a tropical aquarium, he had kept marine and koi for over 20 years and still has koi in three huge ponds, said to me " oh well you don't have any horses at the moment" must of been meaning fish can also be an expensive hobby. ;) Anyway he made sure i left with lots of goodies including my eheim external filter.

I think it can be expensive if you let it, i think any hobby can and it really depends what you want from it.
ADelphi said:
houndour said:
I only set up my tank cos I thought it'd be a cheap hobby to restart as I already had all the gear!

Talking about money i thought it strange when i told my father i was going to be getting a tropical aquarium, he had kept marine and koi for over 20 years and still has koi in three huge ponds, said to me " oh well you don't have any horses at the moment" must of been meaning fish can also be an expensive hobby. ;) Anyway he made sure i left with lots of goodies including my eheim external filter.

I think it can be expensive if you let it, i think any hobby can and it really depends what you want from it.

I think the setup costs are high, relatively speaking, but not as expensive as marine, those guys have deep pockets, but once you get setup its really only the cost of the plants, if you want to change things around.

Which reminds me i have to buy a co2 system, and they arn"t cheap :huh:
zig said:
Which reminds me i have to buy a co2 system, and they arn"t cheap :huh:
Wondered how long it would take :lol:

Check out ebay mate - I've just seen a Dennerle Profi 2000 cylinder and reg going for about £40.
Just to let ppl know that shaver plugs do not fit the jbl's transformer two pin plug. They do supply a 3 pin plug with it but i want to put it to my digital timer, my argos digital timer over hangs a bit so stops the 3 pin plug with transformer fitting.

I'm going to give the maplin digital timer a try as the bottom is straight across
It really gets me annoyed when they don't look after their customers and are willing to lose out to the internet.

Dont take it out on em too bad....
Its tough to pay all the bills to run a physical company and then have compete with someone running a virtual store...

Course if its a big ticket item, i usually buy it off the net n save...
For all others, i buy locally and support the LFS....

That said.. ill be apart of the "PRESSURE GANG" as soon as my needle valve n defusser come in this week B)

Also i just ordered my Coralife 2x65 watt 50/50 bulbs yesterday....(2.6wpg here i come!)

So ill prob setup the pressure co2 this weekend, then the new lights the following weekend :)

Cant WAIT!!

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