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June FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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hi chris , I'm not sure why, but I can't open video
this is great news  that you are getting fry from them
Hi Gary,
I am very excited about getting fry. So far, my count on melanosoma is up to 40 fry. Got a 25 fry drop today.With still at least 2 more females left to drop. I am not sure what's up with the videos. They worked when I clicked them. My captivus "illescas" has a pregnant female. Thanks! Take care!
new update:
count of melanosoma so far is 48 fry
I have lost a few of the tamazulae fry. I have 3-4 fry alive
captivus "Illescas" is due any day
and new addition! So far 3 goslinei fry. I have another female ready to drop any day as well! 
I am really working on getting maculata going. Rumor has it they don't breed during the warm months and also they are unpredictable. I have been giving them as much protein and frequent water changes as I can. So, hopefully it will trigger something. 
Illescas and goslinei had their drops! I have 8 goslinei total fry and should be a fair number of illescas. I'll have the total soon. I'll get some videos up soon
New updates

I have 3 goslinei fry living and so far they are looking good.

my tamazulae had a nice big drop. I got around 9-10 fry. I only had one fry living from the first batch.

my maculata is for sure pregnant and should be dropping fry this month! Hopefully its a good drop!

and my melanosoma are pregnant again. Should be getting drops from 5 females.

I would love to get a drop from my gracilis and illescas. Hopefully that will happen before winter
Thanks Gary! It's good to hear from you. I am very happy they are doing well. I will be offering some melanosoma very soon on aquabid.
New updates

melanosoma : I only saved fry from 3 females. I had 3-4 other females that dropped before them but sadly the colony got a hold of the fry before I could get them. I managed to collect 27-28 fry from one female,25 from 2nd,and 35 from the 3rd. So,I got a good number.

Goslinei: Just 3 fry. I lost one male,leaving me with a male and two females. I got two new pairs and 6 young juvies to add to the colony. Hopefully,I'll have a good number of fry next time.

maculata: still working on getting them to have a drop. Still have a reverse trio.

gracilis: still doing well. Got a decent colony. Hopefully it won't be long to have some drops from them.

"illescas": have 16 fry from 1st drop. Soon will be getting two new drops. Small colony doing well.

tamazulae: still have 3 pairs. Have had some drops. I have around 9 or so fry.

I'm trying to get a hold of some new species to work with.
Lots of goodeids here.My greens get to go first with this.
 juvy and a fry
Next up is some red tails

C encaustus

3 Ameca splendens
Good to see you back on here. I've just got some C. encaustus, and do you know your colection data on the esieni? as their rarther nice.
Its been a while since my last post. My illescas had around 20 fry back in December. Otherwise, its been a while since I had some fry from any of my species. I'm still working on the maculata....hopefully I will get some fry. I got two new species. 2 pairs of allotoca meeki with location information and a pair of skiffia lermae "rancho el Molino". Very soon I will be getting some allodontichthys hubbsi with information.
Hi Chris
Were the meeki and lermae from the GWG trip last year?
I got A.dugesi black,A.diazi,Skiffia. Rancho El Molino. Skiffia Zacapu ,Hubsina, A.zacapuensis 
I have had fry from all except Skiffia from Rancho
Had over 30 lots of fry since new year just A.goslinei and Skiffia lermae(Rancho) that I am waiting for fry
Hi ricefish
The meeki I got from a member of the ALA and the lermae came from Mexico from the GWG meeting in Morelia. They were in a shipment. Very nice list and that's great you have had some fry. My colonies have been winter rest. I should be getting some fry soon. Thanks :)

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