Planted aquarium stocking


Fish Fanatic
Feb 15, 2021
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Hi all !!
I’ve just moved house and have bought another tank - it’s a 180l , but long and thin ( think measurements are 120cm by 30cm by 30cm ).

i have another established tank which I’d like to steal some fish from Aswell.

so far I have decided to have a sand substrate ( silver ) I have ordered 20kg, I also have some quite thick gravel so could potentially put in some barriers.

Id like a planted aquarium - but on a budget as I’m quite young and don’t have enough to spend tonnes.

for the setup I’d like to have some keyholes - i have three in my other tank which I may steal , and some other cichlids ( some suggestions ) ? But not rams as I have a whole other tank of them. I also have some yo yos ( 3 adults , 3 juveniles - could potentially split up ?? ).

for scaping I have some big pieces of bogwood and some dragon rock - any suggestions for nice plants and how to scape them ??

when the tank arrives I’ll attach a photo !
Just thought I’d note the stocking of my other tanks - so that if you think any would be good to steal ?? I have them all in different twnks but I’ll just list them all in bulk.

6 yo yos
3 clown loaches
3 keyholes
2 diamon gouramis
Around 15 cherry barbs
5 pencil fish
Around 9 guppies
2 golden gouramis
Lots of plecos
Congo tetras
Kerri tetras
1 bamboo shrimp
Around 15 Amano shrimp
20 ish cherry shrimp
2 red tail sharks
Around 6 rummy nose tetras
3 black mollies
10 kribensis
One female dwarf gourami
1 betta
1 sword tail
Quick update - I’m getting 4 more keyholes soon - could potentially have them in the new tank with the other three ?? How would hierarchy’s work - if it’s two from one tank , one from one and three from another would that work ?
I also have some yo yos ( 3 adults , 3 juveniles - could potentially split up ??

No, this will not work, assuming they have been together long enough to establish their species hierarchy, and that doesn't take many days usually. Loaches are highly social fish, and five is minimum for a species, so leave them together. They need chunks of wood so they can each find a "home," and also for cover.
Okay thank you ! I didn’t know that - they all have their spaces they like to hide jn - including rocks , wood and caves . Any suggestions for the stocking then ?
I only noted the loach issue previously, and to be honest didn't know where to begin with the rest. The list is long, and not all of those fish can be kept with some of the others, plus the shoaling species need larger groups. Cichlids entering the mix is another issue that might be problematic, depending upon species, tank size and "intended" tankmates. There are fish species requiring very different parameters (GH and temperature especially). And the activity level of some of the fish will not go well with sedate fish (gourami for example).
Okay - thank you would it work say if I had the 7 keyholes , the 6 yo yos and the 2 diamond gouramis ?
Okay - thank you would it work say if I had the 7 keyholes , the 6 yo yos and the 2 diamond gouramis ?

[By "diamond gourami" I am assuming the Pearl Gourami, Trichopodus lerii.] These are not likely to work with the cichlids [in general, cichlids and gourami are too much alike in terms of territorial behaviours to be together], and the YoYo loaches are a bit active for gourami and likely for the Keyholes (Cleithracara maronii) as this is a very shy cichlid and easily frightened by active fish.
I have found over the years that Keyhole Cichlids even though they are lovely, really do best by themselves in a species only tank. They are usually very timid fish and tend to get pushed around when with other fish.
A 48”x12”x12” tank sounds almost exactly like the tank I’m looking for! Where are you getting it from? Do they do a 6’x12”x12” version?
I’m now thinking of making a complete keyhole tank … at the minute I have three at home - although two are in one tank and one in another - this is because the two paired off and started to bully the other one . Also on Wednesday I’m getting four more keyholes who are have one loose pair - could I put these all together and if so what is the best way to introduce to avoid bullying ?

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