Peaceful "centrepiece" fish for 60 gallon? Ideas?


New Member
Dec 10, 2017
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Hey guys, i just got a new 60 gallon tank that i am going to transfer all my fish from my 15 gallon and 10 gallon into but i would like just a single really beautiful fish to go in there aswell.
Current stock is,
3 female honey gourami
8 male endlers livebearer
6 pygmy corydora (going to get 4 more)

I would love a german blue ram but my tank will not be warm enough, i keep my tank at 25-26 degrees Celsius.
If anyone has any suggestions it would be much appreciated. Thank you
I'd suggest an Angelfish of sorts. Temperature wise its fine and one of them will get on fine with the other fish.
Thanks. I am honestly not a fan of angelfish, my mother used to have them and they were so aggressive and she had a lot of trouble keeping them alive, i dont think the stock where i live is genetically very strong.
I'm not sure I'd call my following suggestions centerpieces. But seeing as you mentioned german blue rams I do have some other possibilities that might be of interest.

Have a google for Bolivian Rams, and Apistogramma. Apistogramma are a genus so there are quite a number of species that might be suitable.
I'm not sure I'd quite call them 'peaceful' as they are typical Cichlids. But they shouldn't bother any of the other fish in the tank, only others cichlids / their own species.
I would stay away from German blues. They need a temperature of at least 80 and are sensitive to changes in water parameters. I keep mine at 84 degrees in a biotope.

Bolivian Rams might work as they are one of the easier ones.
I have looked at bolivian rams but they are not as pretty. I will definately look into apistos but dont want my endlers to get eaten. Im not wanting a male gourami as i dont want breeding aggression which is why i keep a trio of females. My tanks permiters are always stable, i am definitely not a begginer fish keeper the only thing im really worried about is temp and aggression. Thanks for the suggestions, much appreciated
If you can find them, Nano centrepiece fish are nice. Scarlet Badis, Elassoma sp., although, I think that the Honey gouramis are a centrepiece enough. I understand that you don't want breeding aggression, but Honies are one of, if not, the least aggressive gouramis you can buy. I don't think having 1 male with 3 females would be a problem, as any aggression, however little, would be split among them. If you feel it's too much for them, maybe buy another female or two.
Knowing your source water parameters (GH, pH, might as well include KH) will help. Some of the fish being mentioned are more fussy than some others when it comes to hardness (GH).

Given the tank size, I would consider the Honey gourami "centrepiece."

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