"now Now Boys!"

Gee, thanks! :*)

Unfortunately had to upset it earlier. Despite all my fishy research, I did not research cave material :crazy: I put 4 rather large pieces of bogwood in there a few weeks ago and only realised yesterday that it lowers the ph of the water. Not a good thing with Malawis. Took it out today and replaced it with some more rock. Not very happy with the aquatic art aspect of it at the moment, but will post more pics once I am.

Thanks for your nice comments. Makes a refreshing change :D

what are those greenish stringy things in the tank picture??

The only green things in the "tank" shot are my Eheim outlet and inlet pipes. I am assuming that that cannot be what you mean :S. Exactly which photo and, where are the "green stringy things". Then I can tell you :D

Cheers everyone for your kind comments.

Those are great pictures, very beautiful fish. I hope the one with the fat lip recovers.

You have an awesome tank! Those fish look great and im sure the female is just happy to have two gorgeous males fighting over her!


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