Nitrates Issues

Have you done the test Steven suggested back in post #13 yet? Until we know the results, we cannot offer much more.
How much water should I use to 1/4 cup?

The "container" should be something like a pail you use for fish things. Pails used for fish should be new (meaning, never used for something before, as chemical residue can be deadly) and used only for fish.
The size of the container is not important a 2 liter soda bottle or a one gallon bucket. The gravel is to insure the container will have the same bacteria as your tank. Don't put fish in the container. Leave them in the aquarium. My theory is that the bacteria are feeding on the vitamins in the conditioner causing the nitrate. The 1/4 cup gravel in the container should be enough to determine if the theory is right or wrong. If wrong we will have to look for something else. If right then dropping the vitamins and switching to a conventional conditioner might resolve the issue.
The "container" should be something like a pail you use for fish things. Pails used for fish should be new (meaning, never used for something before, as chemical residue can be deadly) and used only for fish.
Whoops... I use a recycled one (originally held flour, then was briefly used to transport soil). Hasn't caused any problems in the two years I've been using it (it was used for soil transport last year) so it's okay? I'm doing my tank work today, so I will get the results on this soon.
Ok, I forgot to update this for a while. The separate tests showed 40ppm, and the main tanks nitrates haven't gone down. Strange, since nitrites read 0ppm and ammonia 0.25ppm.
Ok, I forgot to update this for a while. The separate tests showed 40ppm, and the main tanks nitrates haven't gone down. Strange, since nitrites read 0ppm and ammonia 0.25ppm.

Let's make sure we've got this. Tap water on its own is 0 nitrate. When you did the test in a pail, you got 40ppm nitrate.

Where did you get the gravel from for the pail test? Clean (new unused) gravel, or some from the tank itself?
Well if you put in nitrate free water into the bucket and the added the conditioner you should have had zero nitrate water. but if you new read 40ppm then I would stop using that conditioner and use another brand without vitamins. Your existing conditioner is either containated or the vitamins are breaking down and releasing nitrate. A lot of nitrate to push the bucket to 40ppm.

I'm wanting to know if maybe my test kit is faulty.

That is a possibility. You could try purchasing a different brand test kit. The other possibility is the test kit chemical is reacting to something else in the water other than nitrate giving you a false positive. Since your tap water is reading zero nitrate then the test chemical must be reacting with something in your conditioner.

Either way your conditioner is suspect and should be replaced with something else such as Seachem prime.
Well if you put in nitrate free water into the bucket and the added the conditioner you should have had zero nitrate water. but if you new read 40ppm then I would stop using that conditioner and use another brand without vitamins. Your existing conditioner is either containated or the vitamins are breaking down and releasing nitrate. A lot of nitrate to push the bucket to 40ppm.

That is a possibility. You could try purchasing a different brand test kit. The other possibility is the test kit chemical is reacting to something else in the water other than nitrate giving you a false positive. Since your tap water is reading zero nitrate then the test chemical must be reacting with something in your conditioner.

Either way your conditioner is suspect and should be replaced with something else such as Seachem prime.
Next time I go to my LFS, I'm gonna get them to test it. I would hate to replace the conditioner since it cost quite a bit, but if it isn't the test kit I will have to.
I would suggest doing this test once more, but without any gravel in the pail of tap water. Just tap water, and conditioner. Then test for nitrate over a couple days.

There is the possibility something in/on the gravel is involved, since this gravel came from the tank.

When trying to find the cause of this or that, it is often necessary to isolate every possible factor. The test with just tap water and conditioner would tell us it was the conditioner if nitrate appears.
I would suggest doing this test once more, but without any gravel in the pail of tap water. Just tap water, and conditioner. Then test for nitrate over a couple days.

There is the possibility something in/on the gravel is involved, since this gravel came from the tank.

When trying to find the cause of this or that, it is often necessary to isolate every possible factor. The test with just tap water and conditioner would tell us it was the conditioner if nitrate appears.
Good idea. Will get that started later today and let you know the various results.
Good idea. Will get that started later today and let you know the various results.

One thing I had not seen asked.....How do the fish look? Do they look stressed?
I'm assuming your not dumping a whole container of food in each I won't ask that question.

I would definitely take the sample to the LFS - and see if their value matches yours.
Also, email API, and ask what could cause false positives.

Do a water change and don't add the supplement for about a week. Since you have two corner filters,
also try putting just ammo chips in one of the filters.

personally, I don't do regular water changes, my fish seem quite happy and have been alive and growing for the last 3 years - so something is right...but I'm (as the LFS guy said - old school) using an under gravel filter, which really once the tank was fully cycled, my entire gravel bed has become a biological filter. Reason I bring this up is I wouldn't stress so much on the numbers, unless your fish are showing signs they are not happy. I do have a couple pothos plants sucking up some nutrients as well, I have some algae growth as well - I use the algae growth to judge my water quality - the quicker it grows, I back off on feeding - and keep a credit card around to scrape the glass!

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