New To The Salty Side!

Somebody respond please???? The bubbles are now doing awesome and the frogspawn is pouting. What is going on? :blink: :crazy:
The four striped damsel is an aggressive fish and too big for a 10gallon tank. Recommended is 30Gal. You can learn a lot by reading the requirements for fish, corals, and inverts at (basics not super detailed)

You have moved very quickly, but if your rock is cured and life is good in the tank there should not be problems.

Concerning the Frogspawn. What kind of lighting do you have? they prefer higher light requirements, also are not so compatible with other nems.

Have you been checking things like salinity? Do you have a refractometer? Have you done any water changes?

Also, the green chromis is gonna be too big for your tank. Might I suggest a goby or a firefish. Both friendly peaceful and easy to take care of. The firefish and damsel might have trouble sharing space.

Thanks soo :lol: very much for replying! One thing that has allowed me to move quickly is filter media and water from my next door neighbors tank that has been set up for 6 years. I have done one small one and a half gallon water change since adding the corals. i am battling to maintain my salinity at 1.025 steady. The new rock is out of my neighbors tank so should theoretically be loaded with the good stuff. I have to go to petco today and get some replacement chems for my test kit because i monitor my tank to death and have run out! I have a standard hood for my ten gallon but have out the reef sun super compact vho bulbs in it. I know I will have to upgrade really soon. If you watch the vid earlier in the thread you can see the bulbs. The chromis committed suicide or was killed by the new damsel. :crazy:
Also...I am in the process of talking my hubby into getting a thirty gallon so I can expand the salty world! It is an uphill battle though because I have so many, many tanks already! :good:
Well I have not posted on this in a while! Things have changed a LOT!!! My PH crashed hardcore in my nano and I had to take emergency measures to save everyone.

I switched to a forty breeder and added about another 30-40 pounds of LR. The frogspawn died. I inherited a scopas tang. The bubble coral is barely hanging on, due to me not having sufficient light. I have 2 t8 10k, one 10k super compact vho daylight, one 50/50 vho super compact. I am wildly succesful at keeping zoas and shrooms, and some other weirdos that I and my lfs have no earthly idea what they are, but my lovely bubbles are barely hanging on.

Can I buy a T5 fixture from home depot and buy bulbs from petsmart to put in them? Cuz, honestly, That is the only way I am going to be able to afford to buy more lights for this tank. :X :no: :shout:
Well I have not posted on this in a while! Things have changed a LOT!!! My PH crashed hardcore in my nano and I had to take emergency measures to save everyone.

I switched to a forty breeder and added about another 30-40 pounds of LR. The frogspawn died. I inherited a scopas tang. The bubble coral is barely hanging on, due to me not having sufficient light. I have 2 t8 10k, one 10k super compact vho daylight, one 50/50 vho super compact. I am wildly succesful at keeping zoas and shrooms, and some other weirdos that I and my lfs have no earthly idea what they are, but my lovely bubbles are barely hanging on.

Can I buy a T5 fixture from home depot and buy bulbs from petsmart to put in them? Cuz, honestly, That is the only way I am going to be able to afford to buy more lights for this tank. :X :no: :shout:

First, I want to apologize for not checking up on this thread on occasion like I should have. I've been very busy too, heavy concert schedule (classical singer). I'm very sorry for your face graft and I'm glad that you're health is on the mend.

You, indeed, went too quickly. While it's always great to get stuff from a tank break down, bubble corals and Euphelia species (frogspawn) are not something that I'd recommend. He should not have given them to you. Euphelia is too much coral for a 10g, IMO, they have long, sweeper tentacles that attack other corals. Bubbles require more light. I also have problems with mixed reefs, especially with a first tank, or with a pico. Mixed reefs are reefs that have all three major kinds of coral; Softies, LSP (large stony polyp), SPS (Small polyped stony). Corals look cute and all, but man, do they squabble!

The thing is about nanos and picos, you have to start off with the right amount of LR and all the equipment from the beginning, otherwise, well, you now know what can happen. With the LR in transport, you probably triggered a mini cycle and then, well, all blank broke loose.

I'm glad that you upgraded, 40g is much more forgiving for a 1st system.

You need to not put things in your tank that you can't sustain. Scopas tang, or any other tang, need much larger tanks. bubble corals need more light. I'm sorry to sound harsh, but if you can't provide for these organisms, then rehome them. You don't need to upgrade your lighting if you stick with mushrooms and other easy softies. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with just having an all softie tank. My 8g is just softies and haha, it's got a Metal Halide! The only hard corals I have are some nsp in my 4g.

Good luck to you. Looks like this tank will work for your better.

No one wants the scopas tang because it has hith. It was my neighbors and was fed on brine shrimp it's whole life. It is horribly stunted but I have been able to effect some recovery by feeding broccoli and doing frequent water changes. I have diy'ed some on the light situation and have got the bubbles looking better, I will try to post some pics in the next coupla days! :good:
No one wants the scopas tang because it has hith. It was my neighbors and was fed on brine shrimp it's whole life. It is horribly stunted but I have been able to effect some recovery by feeding broccoli and doing frequent water changes. I have diy'ed some on the light situation and have got the bubbles looking better, I will try to post some pics in the next coupla days! :good:

You're a slacker. It's been more than a couple of day...

Just teasing you. :) Yeah, it's very sad when nobody wants a fish and the reason nobody wants the fish could've totally been prevented. You know you'll have to upgrade eventually though. Feed him vegetable matter and see if he'll take nori. He'll need a 75g eventually.

You know you'll have to upgrade eventually though. Feed him vegetable matter and see if he'll take nori. He'll need a 75g eventually.


I would say 50g would be fine for the Scopas! He should love nori, i dont know a tang that doesnt.
I depend on my hubby to post pics for me since I can not get it to work no matter how many times he shows me how. He has not been able to find "the time" so I am going to ask him again tonight to post my pics for me..

I am using my LR as main bio-filter now, and I must say it does make a huge difference in my tank's stability. :thumbs:

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