New to Koi's


New Member
Mar 26, 2005
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:flex: I was given a 55 gallon tank with koi's we need more friends to swim around :crazy: which ones go with these guys???
Hey guys, Koi is the plural of Koi, like moose :D

Welcome to the forum is where you need to ask your question, but I'll go ahead and tell you right now that those fish need a much bigger home, a 55 is only a foot wide and 4 feeet long and Koi get to be 3 feet long, thats like turning a schoolbus around in your bedroom. Yes they will stunt to the size of the tank but thats incredibly cruel and will kill them in a matter of months when Koi can live to be 100 years old. Sounds to me like its time for you to build a pond my friend :)
How many koi do you have? actually, as the fish gradually grows, you can then upgrade to a tank (if you have the room and budget) to suit the fish, but you don't need a huge tank if the koi are still small, you can do the whole grow out cycle, people do that with all different types of fish, so don't get discouraged.

I own 4 koi and they get along great with Orandas, they're cute too and come in all sorts of colors. Then there are other types of fanned split tailed goldfish that they get along with. Larger comets are good, fish like that. Lionhead goldfish are good tank mates as well. Any sort of fish in the pond/goldfish family get along with koi, considering koi are on the more docile side.
Koi, gold fish, shubunkin and golden orfe all go happily.

And if you actually feel like fishing for your fish then roach(as in the fish, not the bug) and rudd are good too (if you live in the south of England :D )

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