New Tank Cycling Next Steps Advice Needed


New Member
Oct 15, 2020
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So I am cycling a new tank and am still early but need guidance please. I did not find this forum until I had already started the cycling process. I had started by filling the tank and then following the instructions of the SeaChem Stability. Yesterday ended the one week cycle instructions that are on the bottle. My readings today are:
pH greater than 7.6
High Range pH 8.2
Ammonia .25 or .5 (I can't tell as they look so similar)
Nitrite 1
Nitrate 5.

So it's not ready. But I have no idea what I am supposed to do at this point? Do I start over adding the SeaChem? Do I do nothing and just let the water do its own thing? Do I add something? Thank you for help and guidance of what my next steps going forward for monitoring and adjusting should be!
Thank you! Do I keep adding the SeaChem Stability each day? Or do I just let it all just sit there and it will do its thing on its own? What does "keep cycling" mean? Just leave it alone or keep adding the Stability?
Get a feeder goldfish and toss it in there for $.35 or whatever they cost.that'll get it going.

I would not recommend this, purposely adding fish for a cycle is not kind for the fish as it will suffer ammonia and nitrite burns, usually ultimately results in lots of water changes and testing and sometimes results in the passing of the fish in question.

Not pleasant.

The only time I would advocate adding ably livestock is when one is doing a silent cycle.

I do not think the OP is doing a silent cycle as this require a very densely planted tank, but am only assuming this since there is no photos or suggestions saying the tank is well planted or not.

From what I can read so far is that the cycling process is doing pretty good already as there is nitrite and nitrate readings already, a good sign.

My advice at this stage is to read the fishless cycling article to get an idea if what and why we do a fishless cycle and will also give you a guide on what to do and to expect.

First thing you will need is a source of ammonia to feed the beneficial bacterias you need to build up to suitable numbers to deal with 3ppm of ammonia.

I would recommend you to purchase a small bottle of Dr Tim’s Ammonium Chloride and use this for cycling and adding ammonia at the relevant stages.

I hope that this helps gives you an idea for what you will need to do to complete a successful cycle.

Thank you, @Ch4rlie for the direction. One question, if I start using the Dr. Tim's, do I stop using the Stability?
Yes, that would be best as the stability has already given you a bacterial boost so it’s just now a waiting game for the ammonia and nitrite bacterias to build up adequate colonies to deal with all the ammonia and nitrite that livestock produces.

But it won’t do a lot of harm if you were to keep dosing Seachem stability just won’t do a lot more once you start adding ammonia and the ammonia bacteria starts to establish along with nitrifying bacteria which is a bit slower to build up numbers hence why it takes a little while to complete the cycling process.
For what it's worth....

I have always put fish directly into a fresh tank, with quick start, and they have been fine. No fishless cycles. Never had ammonia spikes. Never had an issue.

Be a water keeper. 1 small fish is not going to cause dramatic changes in the water.

This is overthinking.

I have done this for many years, and never lost a fish to it.
Thank you, everyone, for all of the help. I will add one more dose of the Stability tonight and then purchase some of the Dr. Tim's and start that tomorrow. Then I will stop the Stability and just follow the guide from there. THANK YOU for helping me figure out my next steps since I didn't first start with the guide (hadn't yet joined the forum). What a helpful forum everyone is here!
Get a feeder goldfish and toss it in there for $.35 or whatever they cost.that'll get it going.

My old roommate use to do this and never seemed to have any issues. Not sure how or what he was dosing around with during the cycle, or how he went about it though.

Personally I'd rather go fishless. Feeder goldfish are usually so crammed up together too, I'd be worried of accidentally getting one that has an infection or parasite and dragging that into the tank somehow. At least the ones at my local franchise store are, I feels bad for their conditions >.>
Fish stores don't sell Ammonia in my area. They all just say use the Stability daily and let it run and it will cycle and come around. I will have to order ammonia off the internet or just keep using the Stability.
Fish stores never sell ammonia. It can often be found in hardware stores as it is used for cleaning things (my grandmother used it for cleaning brass ornaments). But it often has detergent/surfactant or perfume added, and these can't be used for cycling so check the list of ingredients. Failing that, Ebay/Amazon. Again make sure it is just ammonia or ammonium hydroxide and water. Or look for Dr Tim's ammonium chloride.

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