Most difficult fish to keep....

what is the hardest fish to care for in your opinion?

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  • discus

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I think pictus cats seem to be the hardest to keep.
I had a gold gourami forever, and I guess thats sorta like a chocolate gourami.
I think the discus...But I dunno. Never had one.
They need a big tank and perfect water I've seen a discus at $249.99 -_-
for those of u in the us you can get discus from for 50 bucks plus shipping. anyway i think discus is a challenge to keep but as far as fish ive kept i would say neons becuase they are easily stressed, are affected by meds more, etc. they have lived with me for maybe a few months at best but then i was such a newb back then. im upgrading one of my tanks soon so maybe i might try them again.
CFC's got a thread in Fish Pictures devoted to his new Threadfin Paradise (cat)Fish. apparently that thing will keel over if it breaks a whisker! :crazy:
Vampire tetra from what I heard. I heard that after a while they just die for unknown causes
fish_keeper2 said:
for those of u in the us you can get discus from for 50 bucks plus shipping. anyway i think discus is a challenge to keep but as far as fish ive kept i would say neons becuase they are easily stressed, are affected by meds more, etc. they have lived with me for maybe a few months at best but then i was such a newb back then. im upgrading one of my tanks soon so maybe i might try them again.

I'll have to agree with you on the neons

I've probably lost about a dozen or so. granted I have had issues with my tanks in the past, but most of the other fish seemed to fair alot better then them

oddly enough they are usually portrayed as good beginner fish when in realitythey can keel over very easily if they catch anything they are doomed, if not from the disease, then stress from the disease manifests other diseases

but they do fantastic in good water parameters, the four I have now have been chugging along for about a month and a half (i know this is not long enough to say they are good) but the are doing good any ways

the problem with neons is they are very social fish with they're own kind and if one has any sign of anything they are shunned from the group and from that point they have one foot in the coffin

My experience is to fed them frozen foods every once in a while to make them happy, happy fish have proven its self more than many meds, and this is especially the case with neons.

as far as difficult fish, I heard angler fish can be hard, but thats salt water.
gauramis for the most part are pretty hardy fish being antabantoids
sure every fish has its limit, with gauramis though it seems that they are more affected by stress then disease or poor water quality.

stress alone can make any gaurami just drop dead out of the blue.

I lost my male honey dwarf "colusa chuna(sota)" most likely from the stress of having too much current in my tank (dont use a fluval 4 in a 20 G)

are you looking for a hard fish to keep or or you looking for a fish thats the least of the hard out of the list?
Common Goldfish; they are crap factories, they grow like crazy, they'll eat you out of house and home, and they get so big that you pretty well need a pond, or a huge aquarium, to keep them. They like to uproot plants, and if you don't de-parasite them young, you'll be buying anti parasitics like crazy. And they can live to be like, 30, which means you'll be stuck taking care of them for a loooong time.

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