May 2013 - Potm Banter

TallTree01 said:
Do you mean nymphs paradise?
I'm gonna get a couple more dwarves.
No fauns as in faunariums to keep them in lol.
TallTree01 said:
Oh, I see now.
Lol, yeah it would have to be Faunariums but with how big Pink Winged and Peruvian get... :/ I don't know if even the biggest Faunarium available would be OK.
Atti -- The new puppy is soooo cute!!!  Love the pics!!
Thanks! I couldn't decide which one to use, so I had to do both.

If she doesn't get it this month, I think I'll be doing some images of one of my dachshunds in June.
Couldn't help but post some pics this month of a gecko that was mid-hatching. It is our 8th hatch and for the first time we managed to catch it in the process. I am currently modifying an old webcam for some time-lapse in the future.
Huxley is one good dog. You may have garunteed my vote ! :D
TallTree01 said:
Huxley is one good dog. You may have garunteed my vote ! :D
Thanks! She's quite silly actually. She and Ruca have barking contests. She also loves to try to pierce my other nostril. I told her I only want one bull ring. She tried to eat a toad today too. I later found the same toad staring at my front door. He looked mad, so I'm going to barricade the doors in case he's got a fleet of angry toads running about.

dgwebster said:
Couldn't help but post some pics this month of a gecko that was mid-hatching. It is our 8th hatch and for the first time we managed to catch it in the process. I am currently modifying an old webcam for some time-lapse in the future.
I saw this. What do you do with the offspring?
I saw this. What do you do with the offspring?
We have kept a couple so far, sold two and swapped the others to get ones with different markings/parents for future breeding. The latest two are our newest pets as these guys (or gals) are staying with us.

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