Male Platy Chases Female Platy And Female Later Gives In


New Member
May 30, 2012
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I have a 10 gallon community tank(1 male guppy, 2 female guppy, 3 zebra danio, 2 blue phantom pleco) set up and just added 3 Red Wag Platy(1 male 2 female). Later in the day I noticed that the male would continuously chase one particular female and nip at her a little. After about 20 minutes of this the male stopped chasing the her and she would follow him around. He still chases her a little bit, but not as much any more. She now swims around with him like they are partners or friends. I was wondering if this is normal? Are they trying to mate? Is he showing dominance? My first tank and not too sure what is going on :(
If your male Platy is anything like my Lemon, my male Guppy, then he's guarding her. Since he's calmed down a bit now I'd guess that he's probably mated with her and she's now preggers. He clearly likes her and will probably follow her around everywhere. Lemon is exactly the same with Geisha, a famle Guppy in a group of three other females. Whereever Geisha is mad-as Lemon won't be far behind her. When she was about to give birth he was almost touching her he was so close, and she was getting a bit stroppy with him. But she's given birth now and he's calmed down again. Still follows her around, nibling her *clears throat* underside and doing his silly dance, but he doesn't really bother her all that much.
Your Platies sound in a similar situation, with your male perfering a certain female. I was worried about Geisha getting stressed by Lemon's randy behaviour, but now things have came full circle I can see that she should be fine... plus she's gives a very good tail slap! ; )
Hi! and yes, bluedragon is correct. It perfectly normal behaviour. He may or may not turn his attentions onto the other female now. My old male wagtail only had eyes for one female but the new one has eyes for all of them :lol:

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