Make Your Own: All-In-One Aquarium Plant Food


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Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 13, 2009
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Here's a link to the All-In-One plant food calculator that will show you how to make your own plant food similar to the more expensive brand names. If you get stuck with the calc, you can ask questions here,
Thats not a bad calculator actually, pretty precise.
Having said that, I prefer to dry dose my trace mix directly into my tank, is there alternative calculator for that instead of making a solution with RO water?
And lastly, this dosage caluator does not exactly say if this is to be added to your tank daily or once weekly etc, it does say an x amount per week once you put in your amounts, so on that basis is this to be just once weekly?
Ch4rlie said:
And lastly, this dosage caluator does not exactly say if this is to be added to your tank daily or once weekly etc, it does say an x amount per week once you put in your amounts, so on that basis is this to be just once weekly?
I'm not sure I understand? The answer is in your question
- x per week, although it does give you the opportunity to adjust it and see the given values.
If you're looking to put your nutrients straight in to the tank, give the Tank PPM Calculator a go!
Yeah, thought I did not say my question so clearly

I meant where it says x amount per week, must this is to be given once a week or would it may be better dividing that by say 6 to give a sixth of that amount every day?
My thinking is so that the plants has ferts every day rather than just once a week then one day of no ferts, i.e on water change day no fert to be given.....
Will have a look at that other link shortly. Thanks.
Ch4rlie said:
Yeah, thought I did not say my question so clearly

I meant where it says x amount per week, must this is to be given once a week or would it may be better dividing that by say 6 to give a sixth of that amount every day?
My thinking is so that the plants has ferts every day rather than just once a week then one day of no ferts, i.e on water change day no fert to be given.....
Will have a look at that other link shortly. Thanks.
Ahhh got you! Daily dosing is always better - so you could split X in to 5,6,7 etc no problem - If you want to dose more up in the EI range you could probably treble it and then split 5/6/7 too.
The reason I don't write that as an "Instruction" is it makes things like Sera(?) or JBL(?) look whizzy and attractive by pretending you can dose once a month or whatever and make a difference.
Thought as much, thanks for that.
Will have a look at that other link soon and then see what I feel would work best for my tanks.
Just that i have a minor case of BBA, that came in via a piece of wood that has anubias tied on and its creeping though the tank ever so slowly, so something is out of kilter somewhere and ferts is my first port of call.
Am pretty certain its not my lights or flow in the tank, so that leaves my daily EI fert dosing, always had a gut feeling my fert dosages was never quite right despite the lush growth of most of my plants :/
low or fluctuating CO2 - or poor flow - 
If it's on anubius, it might want shading to, as I don't think they can handle high growth rates, regardless of higher CO2.
Algae Guide
OK this has really been bugging me for a while. What does IMO mean? Lol... here is the only place I've heard it.
HarpyFishLover said:
OK this has really been bugging me for a while. What does IMO mean? Lol... here is the only place I've heard it.
IMO - In my opinion
HTH - Hope that helps
TL;DR - Too long - Didn't read  <---great for over complicated replies to simple questions ;)
There is another slight variation of IMO - which is IMHO - In My Honest Opinion
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
TYVM - Thank You Very Much
WLYK - Will Let You Know (not often used on this forum but is fairly common elsewhere though)
Just a few more acronyms for you there
Thanks. I'm not around teenagers who use texting language (although I'm around chat a LOT) very much, so I had no idea :)

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