Jimbooo's Vision 450 Journal

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Fair enough. Well the tank looks great.
Forgot how you are dosing this one. EI? George has been having some really good results with the Tropica Nutrition +, so that's worth thinking about.
Okay....for the last few months i have been trying to think of a way to increase circulation without spending a load more money on equipment. i have a maxi-jet 900lph powerhead (seen in the first few pages re water changing) which would be ideal for the task however as i inherited it from a friend it does not have the suction cup attachment for mounting. every time i have tried to bodge something together the powerhead casing ends up against the glass and makes one hell of a noise forcing me to take it out. also it has to sit on something which causes problems with the filter sponge falling off.

then it came to me... ducktape! i positioned the powerhead where i wanted it then taped the power cord to the back of the tank holding it in position. i have plugged it into a timer to come on and off randomly every 15/20/40/10 minutes etc for varying amounts of time. off all night though to give fish rest (thanks to Eds i think for the idea in his journal) i think the fish should appreciate the varying environment as well, should be a little more interesting than the same old current all the time. sounds plausible anyway. co2 circulation will also be much better as well.

so another win for Ducktape...wonderful stuff that it is! lol



Also i couldn't let an update go by without some more pictures...and a video. I've moved the fern from the rio180 at work into this tank now, some of you may remember George Farmers huge java fern in his fern/glosso tank...well this is the same plant. i re homed it for him when it outgrew his tank 18 months or so ago i wasnt sure about where to put it at first but really only had one option if i wasn't going to move everything else around. the plecs should like the shelter, they are hiding under the juwel filter 24/7 at the moment and to be honest may as well not be in there so i am hoping to coax them out by feeding algae wafers under the fern every night.
Still got some algae issues on the wood, it may be there for a while yet as it's rather er...established lol




excuse the background noise in the video thats me getting moaned at for leaving fish stuff on the patio right outside the glass doors (well it was "out of the house" so i dont see the problem lol)

Hope you all had a good easter.
Nice DIY skills James :hey:
Ah, THE fern, it looks really good.
Blimey, those Angel's are growing up quick :blink:
i know tell me about it... the biggest measures 6.5 inches fin to fin (top/bottom) and 2.25 inches body excluding fins (top/bottom) they were about 2 inches/0.75 inches when i bought them just before christmas. must be all that space i guess. i haven't been feeding them much twice a day a couple of pinches flake plus small handful catfish pellets and 3 algae wafers a day.

Stock list so far is as follows:

9 - angels
22 - Sterbai Corys
10 - (ish) otto's
1 - L128 - Blue Phantom Plec
2 - L007 - Galaxy Pleco's
2 - Pictus Catfish
1 - Bamboo Shrimp
10/20? - Amano Shrimp
2 - Spoilt zebra Danio's who dont want to come out!
Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Nice setup, brillant theory on the powerhead to change water current and direction. Never would have thought of that.

hi Craig, No the original juwel tubes were left in place plus 2 more arcadia plant pro's. CO2 is quite straight forward. if you ask your questions on the main planted board you will soon get the answers you need. i will never do a tank without it from now on. regardless of light levels the plants will benefit.

I have the vision 180 and have added CO2, i think that im not getting enough light from the 2 T5s and wanted to get some extra arcadia ones. Where did you source your ones from. All the bits, reflectors and the chokes too.

i got it all from Wildwoods in cruise hill, enfield. just buy a twin ballast, 2 tubes and 2 reflectors and use your noddle to find a way to fit it all in. if your space is limited you can add tube clips to a reflector by drilling holes and bolting them on, bend it flat a bit and have 2 tubes under one reflector.
Excellent Pics > I watched your Slide shows on Photobucket also.

Are there any signs of your Angels pairing-up yet?? They seem a good size...

+ I've a Juwel180 and a mate has a Juwel 260> form great Features of living room!

I'll keep checking your Journal updates...
Hey Plant People, long time no speak.
After spending 8 hours of my saturday sorting out my swamp of a 100G tank in my living room i thought id log in and say hi.

Ive had to lay off the high maintenance plants in the tank as i became a dad back in April and weekly pruning and 50 gallons of water changing has gone out the window. End result was an empty co2 tank, loads of light, no ferts and a whole ton of algae. After clearing it out the fish are actually wuite happy - thank god.

There are no real changes to the tank it still has the original bogwood arangement and lots of Java Fern and Tiger Lotus plus some hairgrass which ive just planted.

Fish stocking has changed a bit. i now have 6 mature angels, 2 large severums, 15 sterbai cory's one syno cat and 4 south american cichlids whose name i cannot remember. all get along nicely - well theyve been in there over 12 months and no problems so far.

I will take some pics once the recent prune has grown out a bit, it looks like sweeny todd has been in there at the moment with some blunt craft sissors.

Hope you all are well.
Jimboooo!!!!! Welcome back! Looking forward to the updated pictures...

Congratulations on becoming a dad. My goodness how time flies...

Answered your view question on my profile...

Nice to see you back here matey. You going non CO2 then? i.e. no water changes :)

Look forward to the pics.


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