Is Guppy Fry Sufficient Live Food?


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2013
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So I have 4 male guppies in my tank and I was thinking that I could get a few females which would then breed and have babies. I would leave them in the community tank to do this because I thought it would be a good way of providing live food for the other fish? So will this work and would the guppy fry be sufficient food for the other fish? Or will they not be that nutritious?

In my tank I have 2x dwarf gouramis, 2x danios (1 leopard, 1 zebra - they are ALWAYS trying to breed! Never seen any eggs or fry though so must get eaten), 1x flying fox (it's only as big as the danios atm), 1x yamato (aka amano) shrimp and of course the guppies.

I also want to know if all of the fry would get eaten, I have quite a few plants (it's all that oxygenating pond weed stuff) so maybe the odd 1 or 2 fry may be able to hide and survive, I could then give these to the aquatics shop? (I doubt they would though as my shrimp (2'' in length) managed to eat 2 full size guppies yesterday :( ). Thanks!
Some will generally survive. I'm slightly worried about shrimp that take guppies, are you sure you know which ones you've got? There are some mistaken identity cases that can result in some fairly predatory shimp ending up in people's tanks. If the guppies were weak or already dead though, that's fairly standard for shrimp to make light work of the remains.
hate to burst your bubble that tanks stock is wack  for a 48 liter 12 gallon tank adding 8 female guppies(which you would need to get BTW) would be way to overstocked. 
yea if you want them to stress to death. you need a 2 to 1 ratio.

not to mention the tanks to small
Am I missing something but where does the OP say her tank is 12 gallons?
what are you getting at here? there needs to be a 2 to 1 ratio to prevnt agresson, are you talking about bioload?
anyway the op really shouldnt add anything to her tank.
ok the flying fox needs to be moved and the danio numbers need to be replenished fix that than maybe yeah.

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