Introducing Wink’s new parakeet friend! Name suggestions?


Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Mar 8, 2021
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Eastern US
Hi! I finally got my parakeet, Wink, a friend! It was marked as a “baby parakeet” so I assume it is young and unable to tell the gender accurately yet, but I tried to pick one that looked like a female (Wink is a male). At my local pet store, which is not a chain store, I was torn between this parakeet and another one. This one looked very calm and still, the other one was fat and all in the other parakeets faces, very needy! But anyways she is so calm and hardly afraid of my hands! I am trying to think of cute names for her. I want it to sound nice with Wink. (Winks name is Periwinkle). So far I have thought of Jasmine, Lily, or Penelope (Penny for short)
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Your new friend is very lovely! Will she change colors as she ages or is that what she will look like? (Hehe don’t know anything about birds)

But here’s some name suggestions:
Tinkerbell (hehe since her sisters name is Periwinkle hehehehe)
i always wanted some birds and i might get some this summer
most likely this or a chicken
I've kept and bred these when I was 12 up till 27. A female that isn't into breeding, the nose cap will turn from brown to whitish with a shimmer of blue. A lot of people don't know this. For most think that a blue nose is always a male and a brown nose cap always a female. It happens also with a number of very old males that their nose caps will turn brownish.
And it also depends on the color combination of the feathering, if a male will have blue nose cap or not. This is the case with dominant and recessive pied budgies. The dominant pied budgies, a male of such will have a blue nose cap. But a recessive pied male budgie won't. The male nose caps are fleshy colored.

A very young specimen is easy to recognize. It will still have it's stripes on the forehead (with the exception of totally white and totally yellow specimens), they have smaller dots in the throat area (once they'll get their adult feathering, those dots will become larger) and look at their eyes. An very young specimen has got his eyes total black (for the iris is also black) which makes the eyes look bigger. Once they'll get their adult feathering, the iris will become white.
i always wanted some birds and i might get some this summer
most likely this or a chicken
I’ve been wanting to adopt ducks myself for YEARS. Haven’t yet though because my dogs have insanely high prey drives 🥲. Specifically welsh harlequin ducks. Because apparently ducks lay eggs just as much as chickens, their eggs are bigger and more nutritious, and I’ve heard ducks are easier to care for but much messier. Welsh Harlequin’s are quiet and are bred for optimized egg laying and naturally flightless. So. Perfect!
Name sug:

Oreo (a classic)
Zephyr (Greek god of wind)
Anthus (Greek mythology)
Horus (Egyptian god - symbol is a falcon)
Zazu (lion king)
Cupid (Greek god of love)
Odin (Norse god - loves ravens)
Frey (norse God of nature)
I’ve been wanting to adopt ducks myself for YEARS. Haven’t yet though because my dogs have insanely high prey drives 🥲. Specifically welsh harlequin ducks. Because apparently ducks lay eggs just as much as chickens, their eggs are bigger and more nutritious, and I’ve heard ducks are easier to care for but much messier. Welsh Harlequin’s are quiet and are bred for optimized egg laying and naturally flightless. So. Perfect!
ooh they look pretty
if i can get them, i will set up a little horse trough with some plants in it for them to swim in
I like the sound of Penny and Wink together, just my 2 cents.
p u n i n t e n d e d ?
The blue male doesn't look 100% healthy or happy. It might just be the bird but it should have a straighter back and not a curve in the upper back and rump.

Female budgies tend to bite harder than males. this is for self defense purposes when in the nest. It works on most birds but isn't that good for sexing tame birds.

I’ve been wanting to adopt ducks myself for YEARS. Haven’t yet though because my dogs have insanely high prey drives 🥲. Specifically welsh harlequin ducks. Because apparently ducks lay eggs just as much as chickens, their eggs are bigger and more nutritious, and I’ve heard ducks are easier to care for but much messier. Welsh Harlequin’s are quiet and are bred for optimized egg laying and naturally flightless. So. Perfect!
Ducks only lay eggs in spring during breeding season. If the eggs are taken, they will lay a second clutch assuming conditions are good.

Most egg laying chickens will produce 6 eggs per week during the main part of their life. They don't need a male to do this.

Chickens and ducks will stop laying eggs for several months each year when moulting.

Duck eggs have a slightly higher fat and protein content than chicken eggs. However, if the chickens are free range and given a wide variety of foods, the eggs will be more nutritious than the ones bought from shops that are produced by battery cage birds.

Dogs can be trained not to attack certain animals/ birds. My dogs knew they weren't allowed to eat the canaries and would sit by the cage watching them when I cleaned the bottom part of the cage. But at the park and in the backyard, anything that moved was fair game.
The blue male doesn't look 100% healthy or happy. It might just be the bird but it should have a straighter back and not a curve in the upper back and rump.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. He has a small injury on the underside of one of his wings (long story short, a family member accidentally let the cat in his room) that we are treating. He is active and alert and eating, drinking, and pooping and the wound is healing well. His wing droops slightly and he holds it out, I would assume because it hurts to tuck it in. Is the arched upper back the kind of thing that comes up at any time the bird is unhealthy, or is it the type of thing they grow up into, like a stunted goldfish, indicating poor care previously?

(I also want to add that Wink and the lil grey one are in separate cages currently. I want to focus on taming her before they live together, and am giving Wink a few weeks to heal before he has to share his space. And also, as soon as Wink was hurt we rinsed the wound with a chlorhexadine solution and applied an antibiotic ointment and have been monitoring the wound. We have had him out for small amounts of time each day, with gentle handling and only let him see the new one because he was practically begging to be let out of his cage when he saw her out)
how about Zoolie or Zuli (pronounced the same way, different spelling) from the Spanish word Azul meaning blue. since blue compliments the color perry winkle it seems like a good fit.
The blue male doesn't look 100% healthy or happy. It might just be the bird but it should have a straighter back and not a curve in the upper back and rump.

Female budgies tend to bite harder than males. this is for self defense purposes when in the nest. It works on most birds but isn't that good for sexing tame birds.


Ducks only lay eggs in spring during breeding season. If the eggs are taken, they will lay a second clutch assuming conditions are good.

Most egg laying chickens will produce 6 eggs per week during the main part of their life. They don't need a male to do this.

Chickens and ducks will stop laying eggs for several months each year when moulting.

Duck eggs have a slightly higher fat and protein content than chicken eggs. However, if the chickens are free range and given a wide variety of foods, the eggs will be more nutritious than the ones bought from shops that are produced by battery cage birds.

Dogs can be trained not to attack certain animals/ birds. My dogs knew they weren't allowed to eat the canaries and would sit by the cage watching them when I cleaned the bottom part of the cage. But at the park and in the backyard, anything that moved was fair game.
I assume backyard is not free range LOL
Can i feed birds my little aquarium snails?
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