I think I'll run for president


Professional Cat Herder
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Dec 18, 2011
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Where the deer and the antelope play
No, I'm not getting political. I really have no desire to live in DC or lead the free world or any of that stuff, and despite the usual silliness and inefficiencies that plague any republic, I'm tolerably content with how things are going. My political beliefs would probably be wildly unpopular. But here's the thing:

Did you know that the President of the United States has a professional band at his personal disposal? I've been listening to the President's Own Marine Band while getting some paperwork done, and I think it would be most excellent to call for a professional band concert whenever the whim took me. No more asking Alexa or digging through the CD pile when I can't get a song out of my head. Just call up the Marines and tell them the Chief needs some tunes. I could even guest-direct whenever I wanted to. Maybe grab my euph and sit in with them after a particularly stressful day.
So, that's pretty much my platform. May I count on your vote?
You take the band. I want Air Force One.
Fair deal. But I think that, as Commander and Chief, I should be allowed to take flying lessons on the aircraft of my choice. I choose the F-16.
Good choice...! I used to be an air force trainee after my graduation. And I maintained and repaired the avionics of F-16's at the Twenthe Militairy Air base.
It's one of the most beautiful planes ever made.
This was some serious clickbait... 🙄😂
As the Prime Minister of a neighbouring country, I will be happy if you keep your Marines busy playing your theme songs.

I will have my old Marine Band harmonica and will bend the blues through it when I look at the state of the world.
It's one of the most beautiful planes ever made.
It sure is one of the best ones. The Dutch Air Force is replacing most F-16's for JSF's (Joint Star Fighter). It's been 34 years ago now that I've worked there. Later on I did the maintenance and locking of the ground radar at the GCA at the same air base.
As the Prime Minister of a neighbouring country, I will be happy if you keep your Marines busy playing your theme songs.

I will have my old Marine Band harmonica and will bend the blues through it when I look at the state of the world.
As President, I will keep the Marines highly trained and ready to commit extreme grouchiness on anybody who plays that one song I really hate on the radio. But they'll leave everybody else alone. Our neighbors to the north will have a standing invitation to stop in for burgers and scrabble.

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