I have a 10 gallon should what tropical fish ?


Apr 20, 2003
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St.Louis, MO
Please tell me I was thinkin of gettin a pictus catfish but they are a pain aren't they? I'm gettin 3 corys already what else should i get?
10 gallons is going to be quite small for a cat fish they grow to be very big and will not be happy tetras and betas are the only things i can think of off hand.

edit : oh how stupid of me i forgot corys not my feild of expertise but i recomend them for the tank wonderfull variations available. try a search of the forum or the net there is load of info at places like www.catfishplanet.com i think i spelled it right.
I would have to agree, 10 gal is too small for Pictus, even when small enough to fit the 10 it would probably eat your Cory's...they're eating machines :crazy:

...I've never had them, but I hear good things about Khuli Loaches, they may work well in a 10 gal
tetras and mabey a female betta catfish is to big for a ten gallon tank it is suppose to be a inch per gallon I think I am right on this one.
I have a ten gallon and have ten Cardinal Tetras (they are growing out for a larger tank) and two khuli loaches, and an otto, and one Botia Striata that I couldn't find when I was taking them out. The Striata trio that I had ate all of my precious cherry shrimp, so they had to go back from whence they came. But, they're fast little buggers and I had to give up on the last one to make it to the store before they closed.

Sorry, I got side-tracked. IMHO, the Khuli loaches are fine in a ten gallon. Also, there are many kinds of tetra and dwarf cichlid that can be kept in a ten gallon.
The dwarf cichlids might work, only I'm thinkin' everyone would be takin' the lower levels--?
I'd prob. go w/ the tetras or another shoaling fish. W/ tetras....pick one kind, and make sure they have enough 'friends'. ;)
The dwarf cichlids might work, only I'm thinkin' everyone would be takin' the lower levels--?

I tend to agree with reg2k2 that all the fish being mentioned are lower level dwellers, and you already have the corys -- is that right?

I do not think that chichlids and corys should share a ten gallon. In fact, judging solely by the behaviour of my male krib and what I have read, I'd say a 10 gallon should be no more than a temporary home for this type of fish. My guy can move like lightning, but instead he swims in choppy little movements -- I think he is very confined. He also did not like sharing space with the 2 corys I had in there with him for a few days. He tolerates the two cherry barbs that stay mostly in the mid to upper level, but he chases them out of the lower level and away from the food supply. The cherry barbs are quick to get out of his way, but the corys paid him no mind, maybe dangerous for them. That's why I took them out.

A shoal of tetras will work well with corys (the smaller slim-bodied varieties so you can have more of them). Danios would be good, too, as would a group of small barbs (like Golden Dwarf - barbus gelius). Harlequin raspboras are pretty and petite.

If you want something a little different, honey gouramis stay pretty small, don't need to be in large groups, and gouramis are more gregarious than any of my other fish, although I've read that honeys are more shy.

There are lots of community fish that will work with your corys, I would just stay away from other bottom dwellers and keep a close eye on water quality.

What kind of cory cats do you have?

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