

New Member
Mar 11, 2018
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so I was in a koi store and I hoped they had a few Japanese goldfish like the orandas or buffalo heads ect . They had two . One had 3 or 4 raised spots on its head . I thought it might be ick or a parasite. When I asked him about it he said it was new growth and that it was normal . The fish was completely gold and the spots were slightly raised to a point. Could this be true? I lived on the Ryukin islands for most of my childhood. I know a lot about goldfish but I’ve never herd of that before. I would like to buy it’s tank mate but if one fish is sick I’m not sure I want to take a chance.
Could it have been whats called a 'pom pom' goldfish? They have growths on the nose that get bigger with age, similar to the wen of an Oranda but smaller and rounder.

There are a lot of interesting strains of goldfish around now - its always mixed as to how people feel about them but for me the strains are so old now and many (when kept correctly) have long lived lives I think its ok.

It doesn't sound normal. Orandas usually start to show the lumpy head at a very early age and it grows slowly and quite evenly. There should not be 3 or 4 individual lumps growing up.

How big were the fish and can you get a picture?

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