How often to feed the corys


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
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Northern ireland
Hi there,

Im relatively new to the hobby and I am wondering how much to feed my 6 peppered Cory in one tank and 7 albino (5 young) Cory in another tank. Everywhere always says what they can consume in 2-3 minutes. I do rotate but their main source of food is the hikari mini algae wafers but the problem is they can sometimes take those minutes to find the wafers to start with and when they do it takes them more than that again to eat even 1 so I don't really know how many of those wafers I should feed. They do get some of the share of the fish flakes and I feed the other fish bloodworms but they never make the bottom to the corys as they float and never sink.

Can anyone advise me

I feed mine once every other day and then fast them on the weekend.
I feed twice daily. I rotate foods. I feed Omega One veggie rounds, Omega one shrimp pellets, Omega One Tropical flakes, and Fluval bug bites. In the evenings they get live baby brine shrimp that I hatch but only because I always have a nursery tank of Cory fry to feed. IMO, feeding once every other day is not enough for these energetic little fish. I always leave the veggie rounds and shrimp pellets in the tank. Gives them something to scavenge for. In regards to amount, I feed according to how many are in the tank. I normally only drop 1 veggie wafer or a few shrimp pellets for 11 cories. They also get some of the cherry barbs flakes that fall down and I purposely add extra flakes for them. Mine are constantly breeding and laying eggs, like every 2 weeks.
I feed twice daily. I rotate foods. I feed Omega One veggie rounds, Omega one shrimp pellets, Omega One Tropical flakes, and Fluval bug bites. In the evenings they get live baby brine shrimp that I hatch but only because I always have a nursery tank of Cory fry to feed. IMO, feeding once every other day is not enough for these energetic little fish. I always leave the veggie rounds and shrimp pellets in the tank. Gives them something to scavenge for. In regards to amount, I feed according to how many are in the tank. I normally only drop 1 veggie wafer or a few shrimp pellets for 11 cories. They also get some of the cherry barbs flakes that fall down and I purposely add extra flakes for them. Mine are constantly breeding and laying eggs, like every 2 weeks.
Thanks very much
Every other day is plenty for most fish.

Variety is key, good quality pellets, flakes, worms, insect larvae, etc
Hi there,

Im relatively new to the hobby and I am wondering how much to feed my 6 peppered Cory in one tank and 7 albino (5 young) Cory in another tank. Everywhere always says what they can consume in 2-3 minutes. I do rotate but their main source of food is the hikari mini algae wafers but the problem is they can sometimes take those minutes to find the wafers to start with and when they do it takes them more than that again to eat even 1 so I don't really know how many of those wafers I should feed. They do get some of the share of the fish flakes and I feed the other fish bloodworms but they never make the bottom to the corys as they float and never sink.

Can anyone advise me

Hi there,

Im relatively new to the hobby and I am wondering how much to feed my 6 peppered Cory in one tank and 7 albino (5 young) Cory in another tank. Everywhere always says what they can consume in 2-3 minutes. I do rotate but their main source of food is the hikari mini algae wafers but the problem is they can sometimes take those minutes to find the wafers to start with and when they do it takes them more than that again to eat even 1 so I don't really know how many of those wafers I should feed. They do get some of the share of the fish flakes and I feed the other fish bloodworms but they never make the bottom to the corys as they float and never sink.

Can anyone advise me

I feed mine once a day. Some people feed theirs twice a day. It’s supposed to be better to feed a smaller amount of food more often. It more closely mimics what would be natural for them rather than eating a lot at once and then nothing for a while. But daily is convenient and seems to work well for mine.

I agree that giving a high quality food is important as well as offering variety. I alternate Hikari sinking wafers, Hikari carnivore pellets, and a frozen food like bloodworms or brine shrimp. I soak mine in tank water for a bit first to soften them up before I put them in, though of course you don’t have to. But if you don’t you can’t really go by the however much they can eat in a few minutes rule. You could just start off by estimating the amount, assuming each fish’s stomach is about as big as his eye and the pellets will expand some once they’re in the water. When you gravel vac the bottom (which you should do when keeping cories) you can cut back on feeding if it seems like you’re picking up a lot of leftover food.

For bloodworms, brine shrimp, and the like, I dissolve the frozen cube in tank water and then use an aquarium bulb to suck up the food and deposit it on the bottom of the tank. (It looks kind of like a turkey baster). Not sure if you’re referring to the dried bloodworms. Those do float.
Byron taught me when and what to feed. He is the great Cory guru.

How often do I feed Cory catfish?
How much and how often should Corys be fed? You only have to feed your Corys the quantity they can eat in five minutes. Feeding them once, or at most, twice a day is okay. They will spend the rest hours scavenging and getting foods for themselves, even when other fishes can't.

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