How Long To Leave Air Pump On For?


Mostly New Member
Jul 12, 2013
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I am referring to air stones, is it ok to turn them off at night, or do they have to be left on 24/7, I have read some conflicting advice on the matter.
I usually put mines in when I have fry, I leave it on 24/7. However, my friend turns his off during the night, Up to you really. Some people say that as long as you have surface agitation from your filter, (water breaking the surface and causing ripples) then you have enough oxygen and there is no need for an airstone!
I have 2 filters in my tank(Its what it came with) and the water is moving around the tank but I am not sure if its breaking the surface which is why I got the air stone, it is possible I put the filters a bit lower in the tank but thats how the previous owner had it set up, and they had 10 tanks so I assume knew what they were doing lol
I personally leave mine on all the time, however, I'm sure it would be fine to turn it off at night. The only reason I do't turn mine off is because the air pump shares the same power socket as my filter so if I turn one off, I have to turn both off lol.
As long as there is some surface agitation then the fish should be fine during the night without the excess agitation. 
If you don't have enough surface agitation, I would recommend either raising the filters or lowering the water level. 
If you don't know how to tell, have a look if the surface is moving. If it is moving then you are having some oxygen exchange to some extent. :)
Thanks for the comments, I left it on last night, seemed to be ok, I will leave it for a week and see how the fish get on, I have also moved one of the pumps higher.
Airstones are great! they agitate the surface and oxygenate your aquarium. The only time where they aren't useful are when you are running a heavily planted high tech tank with Co2, the agitation from the airstone will drive all the Co2 out of the water thus making Co2 injection almost useless, also if you have VERY timid fish they might get a little stressed out from excessive bubbles and movement, but other than that I say leave the airstone on 24/7.
So if you aren't injecting Co2 into the tank and your fish arent timid then leaving the airstone on 24/7 will only have good affects on your tank :)
air toys only add O2 when they breack the surface of the water. there is too little surface area, on the bubbles, to allow more thean trace exchange of O2 as they rise.
they are little more than decorations and havng your filter disturbe the surfcae gives far more O2 exchange.
the down side of using an air toy to disrupt the surface is, a big increase in evaporation,
even so i love my air stone, air curtain and air disc and leave them on 24/7. but the fish are just as happy if they are off.
My Clown Loaches love playing in the bubbles, swimming up and down in their group! :D
Yes the fish haven't had any trouble with the bubbles, apart from one fish who is constantly trying to eat them it seems :/
I leave mine on. I used to turn it off but now its just easier to leave on. Doesnt do them harm!
balraj_bangar said:
I leave mine on. I used to turn it off but now its just easier to leave on. Doesnt do them harm!
I wonder if it does the equipment any harm though? Shortens the life span so to speak of the air pump itself?
Think thats my own concern really, are they designed to be left on 24/7
Surely turning it on and off twice a day would do more harm than leaving in on all the time though?
The way most air pumps are designed is really simple, they rely on magnetic fields being produced by current flowing through coiled wire. So really the only mechanical problem that could occur from leaving it on all the time is the rubber bladder or 'lung' wearing out. Most decent brands that produce air pumps oil the lung so it doesn't dry out and wear out as easily.
So for you to actually cause any mechanical damage to the airpump, you would need to leave it in a spot where it is exposed to high heat all the time or out in the sun for years.
As for turning it on and off constantly, that wouldn't do much more if any more damage than leaving it on 24/7. There is no motor or spinning parts so stop and starting it wont damage it.
Well I read all the comments above...and they help me a lot . I have an airstone and i wanna to know if to leave it on during the night or to turn it off cause my will not sleep that good.

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