

New Member
Mar 29, 2005
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Fond du lac, wisconsin
Hi Im new to the forums and ive had my 15 gallon tank set up for about 4 weeks now and i only have three mickey mouse plattys in it i think they are so neat looking be cause of there mickey mouses on there tails :) but anyways i was thinking of geting a couple more fish but i wasent sure what kind maybe a few more plattys but or any recomendations would be nice thanks. :D
hello :hi: i would say a few little corys (only because there my favourite) there a gd little fish to clean up your tank a bit and there no hassle to other fish and r just generaly a nice little active fish to have in your tank. :D
hi and :hi: to the forum i love guppies they r so cute :wub: and colourful but if u didnt want any babies (fry) i wouldnt get any. :drink:
Thank you sounds like a good idea i think i know what cories are i think i saw them last time i was at petco in the bottom of the tank they were albino and almost looked like a cat fish/bottom feeder very cute but i dident know anything about them so i decided not to get any i think i will have to do some research on them. :D guppys might be nice to i already have three mickey mouse platys which give birth to fry and im not sure how to tell if they are male or female but one of them looks pregnant :thumbs: but if anyone has a picture of a pregnant platy because i caint really tell but she kind of looks like she might pop but no gravid spot.

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