has anyone ever had this happen??


New Member
Dec 18, 2002
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my pleco, jake, commited suicide. he had a tendency to swim really fast up to the top of the tank to grab a piece of food he wanted, and he must have finally put too much energy into it because i found him dried to the floor after not being able to find him one day. just wondering if anyone has ever had this happen before.
FIRST of all Welcome to the forum. aka madhouse :lol: :lol: :lol: where ONLY I am sane. :lol: :lol: :lol:

we were just talking about something just like this in another thread. Only the fish didn't make it out the tank. Sorry to hear :(

this unfortionetly is common with not just plecos but alot of fish. they really don't know that there is am limit from water to dry land. for all they know there ius water on the otherside of the glass as well.

Some fish especially more tamed ones have a tendacy to NOT know the boundry line between water and dry land. I have lost several fish due to suicide. Heck there are humans who committ suicide due to crazy spouses. think a fish would do such a thing if it's spouse was crazy ? :D

No but seriously, this happens. I would suggest a good lid to prevent any furture suicide attempts.

Again SORRY to hear..... :( :( :(
Sorry to hear about that, but keep your head up and see it as a beneficial mistake for the future.
It's v. common, especially during water changes when the lid is off and the fish feel the current etc.
How did it manage to escape ? Was your lid off at the time ?

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