Fish For 10 Gallon Tank


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Jan 28, 2010
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Recently I set up a 10 gallon tank with a filtration system a heater and everything, but I am wondering what kind of fish to get.
I like bigger fish, but will they be okay in a 10 gallon aquarium? Even if I only got a few?

If not, please recommend some other types of fish that work well together for a community tank.

Thank you so much! :)
When you say bigger fish, how big do you mean? I mean really the largest thing you want is about 2 and a half inch or 3 inches max. For your larger feature fish in the tank you could look at thing like Bolivian Rams or some kind of Apistogramma species. Alternatively you have honey gourami or dwarf gourami.
Sorry, I meant like fish bigger than neon tetras and platies.
Thanks for the input!
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Some great info there about setting up a tank, doing the all-important cycle and getting fish.

In a little tank like that, you're looking at 3 inches max. That more active the fish, the smaller it needs to be.

Try dwarf/honey/sparkling gouramis, bettas, apistos. You only want to pick one or two larger fish, so maybe something like:

6 x very small shoaling fish (all same species - micro rasboras, small tetras, etc)
1-2 x small gourami OR 1 x betta (be careful with these and other fish!!) OR 1 x male apisto
4-6 x small bottom feeders (dwarf/pygmy corys or otocinclus)

Obviously, you'll need to research all these species and make sure you like them and that they will be happy with each other in the small tank.

You could quite happily have fewer fish - there is no need to stock the tank to max capacity!

You could also try having just 6 female bettas in the tank. About 2 inches long, pretty and really fun to watch!
Either Rams or Kribensis would be probably nearing the largest kind of fish you could safely house in a 10 gallon aquarium.

Either Rams or Kribensis would be probably nearing the largest kind of fish you could safely house in a 10 gallon aquarium.


Tbh, would not put a krib in a 10 gallon tank. They get to about 4 inches long and are aggressive in small tanks. Maybe if he was the only occupant, but you'd need to make sure the tank was at least 24 inches long, and most 10 gallons are smaller than that.
A 10 gallon tank is perfectly fine for Kribs, if that is the only species in there. I have successfully breed Kribensis multiple times in my 10 gallon tank, and as we are speaking they are about to spawn again.

EDIT: Not trying to sound rude or anything, but if my Kribensis were not happy and comfortable in the 10 gallon tank, then I am pretty sure they would not be spawning.

A 10 gallon tank is perfectly fine for Kribs, if that is the only species in there. I have successfully breed Kribensis multiple times in my 10 gallon tank, and as we are speaking they are about to spawn again.

EDIT: Not trying to sound rude or anything, but if my Kribensis were not happy and comfortable in the 10 gallon tank, then I am pretty sure they would not be spawning.


I'm just working on swimming space. Giving a fish less than 6 times it's body length just doesn't seem right. It's not like they can get out and go for a walk if they feel stir-crazy. It's kinda like keeping us in a space the size of our bathroom.

I know 6 is a pretty arbitrary number, but it seems to work.

I guess there is also a difference between a dedicated spawning set up and a more . . . well, normal set up.

Anyway, if it works for you that's great, but I wouldn't advocate it to others. I guess some things are best discovered through experience.
I totally here you Assaye! At first I was skeptical of Kribs in a 10 gallon tank until I was advised to do so from members on here. I gave it a shot, and so far I have had no problems in nearly 6 months that I have had them.

When they spawn, they don't move around much, they like to stay in one spot and guard the eggs/fry, so this could be why it is working out so nicely for me.

I also only have 2 Kribs in there, just the male and female.

But for sure, if someone wanted a 10 gallon community tank, Kribs would not be a good fish to keep.

There are several fishes for ten gallon tanks and I recommend the best fishes are tetra fish, gourami, guppy, betta, angel, different types of rasboras, kuhli loaches etc.
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There are several fishes for ten gallon tanks and I recommend the best fishes are tetra fish, gourami, guppy, betta, angel, different types of rasboras, kuhli loaches etc.

Angels are NOT suitable for a ten gallon tank; nor are many gouramis :/
OR 1 x betta
Perfect, you could even throw in some shrimp for him to hunt.

The minimum height for an Angelfish tank should be 50 cm (19.68 inch)

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