Elephant Nose problems


New Member
Jan 29, 2002
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Hello again everyone. For those of you that remember my last post about my betta, well I have another problem. Since my bettas passing, I didn't get any new fish for about a week. Well this past Saturday I got 3 new fish to keep my Elephant nose and japaness alge eater company and they are
one.. Shark catfish looking fish
two.. little clear fish that have been died blue and one pink "real tiny fish"

Ok heres my problem, after I put these 3 fish in my tank I noticed that the shark had 3 white spots on him. Instead of taking him back to the fish store I did a 50% water change and turned the temp up to 82 degrees, and treated the tank with "ICK AWAY". The "ICK AWAY" turned the water a dark "BLUE" for about 1 hour. After it clearred up I turned the filter back on . Now heres my mistake. After I did all this, I was reading the back of the bottle of "ICK AWAY" again to make sure I did everything like it said, but only this time I noticed that under the CAUTION note it said "DO NOT USE ON SCALESS FISH" Well my elephant noes is scaless correct?.

Well I woke up this morning to find that my elephant nose has a white shady film all over him and its also covering his eyes, and hes swimming around in circles as if he's blind and can't see.. I'm real concerned about him and would like to know if anyone can tell me how to help him recover from this..
You learned a very good lesson in reading all the directions first then doing them.

In the case of the elephant nose I'm not sure if he's scaleless or not. He deffinatly reacted badly to the meds. I would take him out and put him in a tank of his own with fresh clean water and leave the lights off. Keep an eye on him to see if he gets worse. Don't forget to put in lots of places for him to hide in. These places to hide will help him feel comfortable and secure. A thing he needs right now. If he gets worse let me know so we can figure out what the next step is going to be for him.

The two colored fish you have are called painted tetras. They are infact dyed with color (those arent natural colors for them). The dying process is very painfull for the fish and these fish are very suseptible to ICK. They are the ones that put Ick in your tank. I'm not sure what "shark fish" you are refuring to so if you could describe him in more detail one of us might beable to help identify him.

How to treat Ick is a very easy thing to do. First off do NOT turn your heat up in the tank. This speeds up the life cycle of the Ick. This is not a good thing. Second you will have to treat the Ick every day till at least 3 days after the very last Ick spot is gone this can take a while depending on how bad the infestation is. Now that the Elephant nose is out of your tank I would use some Rid Ick + and follow the directions. This will get rid of your Ick problem. A couple of thing to note with the use of Rid Ick + is that you need to keep the tank dark( light has been know to render the meds useless if the tank gets enough) and the other thing is that you can NOT use any other medication with or in conjunction with Rid Ick +. You will have problems like you will not dream of. (been there done that).

That's about all I can think of for now. Keep us posted on how things go. Rose 8)
Make sure you take the carbon out of your filter when you add the medication. Otherwise it will filter it out of the water. I say this because you say after you turned the filter on the water cleared.


Good luck! :thumbs:
The reason I turned the filter back on sooner then the directions said was because after I read the part about not using it on scaless fish, I just wanted to clear it up as soon as I could.  Also, my elphant nose fish is starting to look better. The only thing thats still covered with the white shady film is his eyes, but I think its getting better. Time will tell.

I do have one other little question, My 2 little colored tetras I have are shrinking.LOL  I know it sounds funny but its really happening.  They were small to begin with, but they are even smaller now, and they eat like pigs, so its not that. Any ideas?

I know I ask alot of questions and have alot of problems with my tank, but I do appreciate all the help you guys give me

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