Dwarf Gourami Staying In Top Corner


Fish Crazy
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
Devon, UK
Hey guys

I bought a dwarf Gourami a couple of weeks ago. He used to swim the length of the tank back and forth all day. The last 3/4 days though he sits in the top corner just using his small side fins to stay still.

My stats were 0 Ammonia, 0 nitrite and 10 Nitrate.

He still has his colours but just seems to float a lot up there without paying too much attention to everything else.

Any ideas? is this normal?

Well i wrote "Him" but i only bought it as was last in a tank in the lfs, so i thought i would get it. It is the only one in there
Well i wrote "Him" but i only bought it as was last in a tank in the lfs, so i thought i would get it. It is the only one in there

what colour is he? the brightly coloured ones are the males and the females are generally silvery/golden. our male dwarf is bright blue and our 2 females are silver with a golden tinge to them.
Yeah very bright, red and blue streaks all across the back end of the body. I have done a bit more research and a lot of people are saying they tend to sit along the top anyway, maybe he just likes that end as it is the opposite end to the pump etc? He still isnt dead, watched him eat last night which is always good.

lol maybe i should add that one of my ram cichlids is in the op corner and chases anything near it. Do fish learn that they get nipped over there so stay away?
Yeah very bright, red and blue streaks all across the back end of the body. I have done a bit more research and a lot of people are saying they tend to sit along the top anyway, maybe he just likes that end as it is the opposite end to the pump etc? He still isnt dead, watched him eat last night which is always good.

lol maybe i should add that one of my ram cichlids is in the op corner and chases anything near it. Do fish learn that they get nipped over there so stay away?

I wouldn't recommend putting another fish in there just to chase it about or risk having their fins bit which can cause stress and then you really might have a problem or a dead fish on your hands. Dwarf gouramis are usually pretty lazy and just casually meander about. Keep an eye on it and check for discoloration or spots that might be an illness and let us know. Otherwise I'd say he should be alright.

Also, do you have plenty of plants and decorations? Fish feel safer with that sorta stuff. Maybe try adding another in there as well. It could just be lonely and want a partner.
this will sound very negative but I had a DG that showed exactly the same behaviour. Strutted the length of the tank almost constantly. One day I found him 'hiding' and hanging out in the same spot. 3 days later....dead. No sign of illness at all, absoloutely no loss of colour.
Seems happier today, moving in and out the weed etc.

Loys of deco, will keep an eye on him :(
our male gourami seems to be a lot more inactive when its not happy about something - sounds good that yours is moving around more.

now his tail has gone pointed :(

My cichlid Ram is chasing him a lot :(

Help :(

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