Does Anyone Else's Partner Surprise Them.....

glad I could help. With all the help these guys have given me I'm glad I could do the same for someone else.
My Hubby has surprised me with two 'fish' gifts so far - one bag of gravel the first time and 6 Danios the second time. Just wondered if anyone else's partner does things like this?

I wish my bf would... but then again he begged his parents for an old tank of theirs which turned out to be my first tank (I kept my first betta in a large vase :sly: )

BUT, he told me on :wub: Valentine's Day :wub: that he was going to get me a pair of Discus for a gift! I'm so glad he didn't (not that I don't like Discus but they would have been so incompatible with my other fish!!!). So it was lucky that the LFS across the street from him was closed that day... phew!

Just got a new tank, have three monos reserved at that store, I might point them out to him when it's time.. hehehheheeee! :D
Snowbrumby can be really hard to find a pic under 21K but heres some pointers

it must also be no more than 120x120 pixels

Use a graphics program (even windows paint works well enough) to size/adjust a picture down and save as a jpeg (jpg)

hope this helps

btw where in queensland are you? There's a few members here in brissie

Sorry to seem like i have to get the last word but if she does use a pic that's too big won't the program automatically format it to the right size. Mine wasn't too big so I don't know. If it does then will it cut some of the picture off?
Oh, graphics program - now you're pushing it :D - fairly computer illiterate here :rofl: :rofl: Shall look into it in more detail tomorrow and let you know - look for me tomorrow night Aust time :rofl:

As for where in Qld, sth east corner but not on the Coast. If you would like to send me an email I'll let you know where - just not comfortable giving too much info on a public forum is all - I'm not paranoid though :rofl:
Yippee!!! I did it, I did it - dances around the computer - I uploaded my own Avatar - I did it, I did it - just keeps dancing :D
Torrean said:
hmm you might want to get a smaller tank if you get a betta. I'm not sure about this so don't h0old me to it but I have heard that a large tank will tire the fish out or something. just make sure you research before you buy anything. :D
secondly make sure that you don't put the betta with any really pretty fish with flowing fins like guppies because he will get jealous and kill them
hmm you might want to get a smaller tank if you get a betta. I'm not sure about this so don't h0old me to it but I have heard that a large tank will tire the fish out or something. just make sure you research before you buy anything. :D
secondly make sure that you don't put the betta with any really pretty fish with flowing fins like guppies because he will get jealous and kill them

I'm of the thought and experience that Bettas can live quite happily in a larger community, and one of mine actually gets very bored in a little betta tank. I think they are OK for breeding, but I much prefer to put them in a tank with others, particularly if they fish are peaceful/harmonious together. I think it's a bit cruel you know, bettas in little tanks. All of our bettas we've had (and was our original kept fish) have been happier and enjoyed life more in a bigger tank. Females can be quite pretty (seen some on the forum too that are lush) and can live together nicely with a 3-5 of them. I consider it rescuing them... they get used to being uncramped in a day or two and are all over the tank

I've actually thought of having a large community tank with one or two dividers and putting a male betta in each divided part.... Ohh the dreams :angel:
no offence of course I just love bettas
I'm of the thought and experience that Bettas can live quite happily in a larger community, and one of mine actually gets very bored in a little betta tank. I think they are OK for breeding, but I much prefer to put them in a tank with others, particularly if they fish are peaceful/harmonious together. I think it's a bit cruel you know, bettas in little tanks. All of our bettas we've had (and was our original kept fish) have been happier and enjoyed life more in a bigger tank. Females can be quite pretty (seen some on the forum too that are lush) and can live together nicely with a 3-5 of them. I consider it rescuing them... they get used to being uncramped in a day or two and are all over the tank

IMHO (not that I'm a reliable source re bettas; I've just finished writing a marathon story about my first experience with fish which were bettas and will probably post it some time in the future... once I do the final edit hehe typical Virgo heh)

Once I had 3 females and 2 males in a way-too-small tank. Females all over, males in separate breeder nets -- but plastic with slots is probably better so they don't get their "teeth" caught in the net.

Once I put them in a community 6x2x2ft tank (no aggressive fish). For about three days. They were lost and all stressed out. Especially the males (even divided) within the tank. So I removed them. Better.

That batch of bettas was a cr@p experience as I later made some fatal mistakes and they all finally died.

If I'd have that number of bettas again again, I'd go for a 20 or 30 gallon tank with the same principle... Not too big but not too small either. Can have small, non long finned or aggressive tetras, and corys in with the females too if ya want (altho water parameters differ depending on species)

Like I said, IMHO and don't listen to me, I killed them all (oh, the guilt...)
Torrean said:
btw I bought them for her but as you can see I ended up doing all the leg work of making sure they stayed alive. well definitly not all the leg work because she has to feed them and do water changes and tests so i guess aside from research she is doing all of the leg work
I bought my wife a 29 gallon for Christmas (first tank we've ever had). I am in the same boat. I have to do everything. Not that I'm complaining though as we now have 2 2.5 gallons, 1 5 gallon and a 75 gallon (cycling). She gets a gift and I get addicted.

Edit: Here is a good betta site for beginners. Loads of info.

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