Camallanus Worms : Does White Ones Mean Dead Ones?


Mostly New Member
Oct 17, 2013
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I have treated my tank for camallanus worms with Sera Med Nematol on the 15th of may as I had my male cockatoo apisto infested with them.(Lost my female cockatoo apisto because of them).
He got a bit better so I have medicated the tank a second time on the 6th may, as indicated, to kill the larvae in the tank.
Now, a few days later, I still can see my apisto with worms sticking out from time to time, and he is rubbing his belly on the sand, probably to try and dislodge the worm?
The worms used to be red before treatment, now I can only see white ones, so I am wondering if the white worms sticking out are not dead worms that he's got difficulties to get rid off?
He has got very shy, and I have a job feeding him, as he doesn't seem to come in the open as readily as before, I don't know if it's because he is not feeling well or if it's because he doesn't have another of his species to interact with anymore. 

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