Bumblebee Cichlid


Fish Fanatic
Sep 30, 2003
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I was wondering if anyone could give me some info on the cumble be cichlid i saw them at my lfs and i thought they were beautiful and was interested in getting them any information is accepted thanks all
Ps. crabro and it's a fish from Lake Malawi. They get around 6" and you can feed flake foods, frozen foods, bloodworms, brine shrimp etc. Temp between 78F-80F.
Males are really dark brown and females are brown with yellow stripes. They like a lot of rockwork in their tank. Are compatable with most other Africans as they are peaceful but sometimes territorial like the others.
Thanks tou 2 your info has been very helpful
bumblebees are also mbuna. can be very aggressive when they get larger. can get quite large fast. best if kept with other mbuna as they will bully other fish. the ones i had got quite aggressive when they were larger than the chippokae.
the ones i had got quite aggressive when they were larger than the chippokae.

It was more aggro than Melanochromis chipokae? :eek:

That's inch for inch the meanest fish I've ever seen. You had one nasty crabro. :nod:
yeah my kids named it crabby since they could not say crabro. the two went head to head one weekend that we were gone and killed each other. they were really cool fish.

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