Betta losing color rapidly in sections

Be strong SRC. It does not look like your boy is about ready to give up. Betta's are fighters. Have hope.
Look on the bright side, SRC. Assuming that the suspected infection had been cleared by the 5-day course of antibiotic, you would have a white or bi-coloured betta.
tri-actually ;). (he's susposed to be a black and green lace)

I don't care what color he is...I just don't want him to die. I just got to work, and he's even whiter. Instead of a small section of his anal fin being white, now almost a 1/4" of it has turned, and about an 1/8" of his dorsal. Whatever this is afflicting's doing it's job quickly.

I gave him a salt bath last night, before leaving work, and added some melafix (since the aquarisol was bunk :X ). I read that giving a salt bath before administering meds..will help the fish absorb more of the meds more quickly (since the salt bath removes the slime coat).

Honestly, he looks no worse for wear, besides turning white. He is still swimming around fine, eating like normal, interested in what is going on around him, and he still offers to flare if he catches a glimpse of a tank mate during water changes; although no bubble nest in the last few days..but he's never been a big nest maker, usually just a few bubbles here and there, with the occassional nest popping up sporadically.
SRC said:
I don't care what color he is...I just don't want him to die... Honestly, he looks no worse for wear, besides turning white.
Let's just hope the colour loss is nothing serious and that he continues to be as bubbly as ever.

"I said if you're thinkin' of being my baby, it don't matter if you're black or white..." - Michael Jackson
:sad: My med's still haven't arrived yet, and he's getting whiter.








He's till not acting funny though..although now I am getting paranoid and looking for things. So I'm not sure if I am seeing him act funny or making myself see it :/ .
Good to hear he is still an active fish. His fins look like they are a bit clumped. I hope the meds arrive soon.
sorry to hear that it is progressing...great pictures, though. if i hadn't seen his before pictures, i would have through he was just a cool looking marble...
Yeah, the pics look better becasue I finally found somethig to remove the gunk/film that was on my camera lens. It's nice to have clear pictures again.

I e-mailed the breeder last week, still haven't heard a reply from him. I asked if there was a possibility he was turning into a marble, like as in if there were marble genes in his background.

I dunno if his fins are clamped or not..I didn't try to make him flare at all..I don't want to stress him anymore then he might already be (kinda like when they have fin rot and you don't do flaring exercises). He was just kinda swimming around and when he'd pause for a moment I'd snap a pic or two.

This fish has all kinda got me stumped. I just hope those med's come tommorrow, or atleast the Almod leaves one. :(
Oh geesh... :-( I'm sure you're worried sick about him, i don't blame you. I hope the meds come tommorow too. Poor guy...*crosses fingers he's not in any stress*
The betta is a marble. If he is eating, and there is no sores, he's alright. If he is acting funny, it's not because he's changing colors. Marbles do that, just the way he did it. Some marbles go spotty, then get the color back. Then they lose it again.
Not really. He is still getting whiter, although the whiteness on hsi body has slowed down's just turning whiter more rubbed off appearance. His caudal fin ..the post on it is now almost 1/2" turned white, and well as his dorsal.

I treated him with the Naladin. And now I have him in water with Indian Almond leaf (it's a real light tea color). He's still peppy and active..eats well and blows nests.

The breeder has yet to return my e-mail. Hopefully he is just a marble...but I find it odd how rapidly this came on.

He's not "as" pretty as he once was...mostly cas I wanted a black/green fish to begin with...but I still like him, he's a great fish...and I can deal with the white. I mean, it's not like it chaps my ass too much you know...I didn't buy him to breed with ..and then him change on me :lol: . Now that, that would suck if that happened. :nod:

I'll see if I can't get some pictures tommorrow. Thanks for your concern. :)
I guess he is not sick or anything. It has been a pretty long time an from your description he is pretty much acting normal.

Rather puzzling.
That's the craziest thing I've ever seen -_- It seems marbles turn from light to dark...not dark to light ...but low and behold :unsure:

I'm glad he's feeling well though. I would use seperate utensils such as gravel vac/turkey baster for a while.

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