Betta fish constipation? What could be wrong with him?


Fish Crazy
Jul 8, 2022
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He is on day two of fasting now since I noticed he was bloated. He's been sitting in the bottom corner of the tank. I've checked on him to make sure he's still alive, he doesn't seem to have any problems swimming, it just seems like it's more comfortable for him to stay there as he swims back into it after checking on him. He has been pooping normally. I thought this would easily pass but now I'm more concerned because of how he's been staying at the bottom of the tank. Info: 5.5-gallon tank. Cycled. 25% water changes every two weeks. Has filter and heater. Has live plants. I fed him flakes made up of mostly fish meal and shrimp.
If he's pooping, he isn't constipated. Sadly, he likely has an infection internally. I would go to weekly water changes rather than bi weekly, and keep an eye on him to see if he can rally.

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