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  1. V

    Betta fish constipation? What could be wrong with him?

    He is on day two of fasting now since I noticed he was bloated. He's been sitting in the bottom corner of the tank. I've checked on him to make sure he's still alive, he doesn't seem to have any problems swimming, it just seems like it's more comfortable for him to stay there as he swims back...
  2. C

    Quarantine Timeframe for Fungal Infection?

    I have a 36-gallon planted freshwater aquarium. The aquarium has been up and running for years now, and the current stocking is harlequin rasboras, kuhli loaches, shrimp, and a dwarf gourami. About a week ago I noticed one of my rasboras wasn't eating, and after some inspection I noticed he had...
  3. SteakNShrimp

    Sick Tiger Barb?

    I just got 6 Green Tiger Barbs last night and noticed that one of them looked a little strange around the gills...they are very red. Also some of the Green Barbs are not as active/schooling. Is the batch that I got sick or are they just acclimating to my water? Should I take them back? It’s...
  4. C

    Boesemani Rainbow Fish Not Swimming Around

    Hey everyone! I'm new to the forums and I've been having a hard time getting advice about my two boesemani rainbow fish. I bought them maybe 2-3 months ago and haven't really had any issues with them. While other fish have been added and removed during that period (some too aggressive or just...