Bad Week For My Fish This Week


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2007
Reaction score
NE London, UK
bit of a nightmare week
I got two lovely rams last saturday which were doing great (a gold and a blue one), the gold one dissapeared 2 days later and I found it dead a day or two after. then the day after that one of my sterbai corys died(now have 6), it seemed to have red gills. today I came home from work to find my blue ram sitting on the bottom gasping so I did a 30% water change. now I have come in tonight and my ram is dead and so is a rummy nose!
I havent a clue whats happening, all fish apart from the cory looked great and died very suddenly with no abnormalities that I could see.

I am going to set up my hostpital tank in a mo incase of any other probs but most have been too quick to see!

water stats
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate <50
Ph 7.2

If you added the rams without quarantining them,they were probably diseased and brought it into the tank with them causing the death of the cory. There isn't anything wrong with your water parameters so it is most likely some type infection or parasite.
Sorry to hear dude, best you can do is check them for any diseases, and add some melafix or medicine.
your Nitates seem high, you should try to get those down ASAP, also you may have intorduced some sort of disease into the tank by either adding the LFS water, or no quarenteing some fish. Sorry for all your troubles, but it happens to the best of us, hopfully your next batch of fish will be nice and healthy, but I don't recommend getting more until you settle whatever problem it is in your tank.
The nitrate level isn't an issue. Some people have 40ppm in their tap water. If there isn't any in the tap water and you do weekly water canges though, nitrate really shouldn't ever get over 20 ppm.
cheers guys
well I have put it down to the rams having unseen problems as the whole tank of them at the LFS dissapeared real quick and I cant believe they sold them all.
yes my nitrate is quite high out the tap here in London (about 20-30) but I have done 2 30% water changes in the last couple of days as it was a bit high (event though I do 30% per week anyway) and I also think my phosphates are too high as im getting some brown algae.

everyone else in the tank seems great and today I added a pair of kribs which were my 2nd choice to the rams but I think I prefer them already. I know they have been in the LFS for some time and they are really healthy and seem to love exploring the tank. i also did some gardening adding some Java Moss from my other tank and 2 more crypts. my lights are only on 5-6hrs per day so I hope the brown algae stops growing.

I am still getting to grips with all this fish stuff so lucky I have this site to hand. I only started keeping fish myself in Jan this year and this is my 2nd tank and im aware some of my fish are quite sensitive but I am really loving this tank so far!

I am going to resetup my quarantine tank - how long should I keep them in there before adding to the main tank in future>?

thanks all as always.

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