Angelfish with Dwarf Cichlids?


New Member
Mar 31, 2017
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Hello! I was wondering if any type of dwarf cichlid would be able to live together with angelfish in a 180 gallon tank. My PH is 7.5
Oh sorry forgot to add but my tank is 24 inches wide by 72 inches
Do you have the gh (general hardness) of your water? Some of the dwarf cichlids have different requirements for hardness and can be more sensitive. PH doesn't always give the whole picture. If you are on city water then your water authority may have a website you can find this info from.
Do you have the gh (general hardness) of your water? Some of the dwarf cichlids have different requirements for hardness and can be more sensitive. PH doesn't always give the whole picture. If you are on city water then your water authority may have a website you can find this info from.

I'm not really sure, I tried to look it up but nothing pops up. But I've successfully kept German Blue Rams if that helps.
You think? I mean 24 inches tall and 6 feet long is pretty large in my opinion
oh I thought you meant 24 inches long like the viewing area lol, nvm its regular LOL sorry bud :)
Personally idk about this, I haven't kept this type of fish at all. Sorry lol
If you can post a link to the site, someone may be able to look it up for you. as for keeping the fish successfully before...that may or may not help(thrive versus survive basically). I don't actually have experience with the fish but I've looked them up before. German blue ram are pretty sensitive though I think. At least now a days. Need to get them from a good breeder. A good site to look things up on though is seriously fish. You can try getting some info from there until we can figure out your parameters.

In general this is possible with many of the dwarf cichlids, if you provide the right water parameters. Most like soft and acidic. Did you think about any special species?

In general this is possible with many of the dwarf cichlids, if you provide the right water parameters. Most like soft and acidic. Did you think about any special species?

Well my local specialty shop sells about 10 different varients of Apistogramma.
Well my local specialty shop sells about 10 different varients of Apistogramma.

Many of these will probably be wild caught, unless there is a local breeder supplying the store. And that means very sensitive to water parameters. You need to pin down the GH and KH. You also have to keep the temperature in mind.

Generally, with neotropical cichlids (meaning, those from the tropics of Central and South America as opposed to the African) you do not want to mix species. Generally, I said. Here you do have space, but if this were me, with a group of angelfish (I assume you have a shoal or intend a shoal) I would not consider other cichlids. Corydoras for the substrate are good tankmates, and there are some suitable characin species (some but not all of the tetras) for the upper water. Many who have large angelfish tanks only stock them with angelfish and corydoras catfish, and perhaps a loricariid (pleco, whiptail, Farlowella, etc, depending upon species).

Many of these will probably be wild caught, unless there is a local breeder supplying the store. And that means very sensitive to water parameters. You need to pin down the GH and KH. You also have to keep the temperature in mind.

Generally, with neotropical cichlids (meaning, those from the tropics of Central and South America as opposed to the African) you do not want to mix species. Generally, I said. Here you do have space, but if this were me, with a group of angelfish (I assume you have a shoal or intend a shoal) I would not consider other cichlids. Corydoras for the substrate are good tankmates, and there are some suitable characin species (some but not all of the tetras) for the upper water. Many who have large angelfish tanks only stock them with angelfish and corydoras catfish, and perhaps a loricariid (pleco, whiptail, Farlowella, etc, depending upon species).

Thanks so much for the advice. I don't think I'll be putting any dwarf cichlids in with my upcoming angelfish purchase.

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