An idea for a divided betta tank


New Member
Mar 30, 2021
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Hey I was just thinking and learning more about the benefits and disadvantages of dividing a tank in 2 with a divider to house 2 bettas. I know there are issues with pheromones and etc but thats not why I am here now. I wanted to share my idea and see if it is plausible;

So what if I divide a 10 gallon into 3 with 2 dividers where in the middle is a very narrow section that houses the heater vertically as well as filter intake and on its left and right are the two compartments that will potentially house a betta. In the middle will just be plants to cover up heater and filter. Even though this seemed cool enough I assumed the filter being in the middle it really wouldn’t be able to take in any debris from the left and right sides essentially cleaning them slowly since debris too big won’t pass through dividers. So my solution was what if on the intake tube of my HOB filter I connect a 3-way connector and attach large airline tubing that goes under the divider through the substrate from the bottom of the tank to the compartments. I will have to think of another contraption to attach to the tips of the tubing that resembles a filter intake but would this work? Or would it really slow the intake power of the filter. It is a AquaClear 30. Any suggestions on this idea would be appreciated thank you!
The filter will house the beneficial bacteria which starts the process of consuming ammonia. The debris which would be in the substrate can be vacuumed with a gravel hose easily. So I would just buy a gravel hose if you don't already have one and not worry about running tubing under the dividers

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